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« on: July 16, 2011, 01:07:02 PM »

I've been thinking about intuition, and the role of intuition in life choices, lately. I will share some of those thoughts would love to hear others' ideas too.  We all have an intuitive sense. For some people it is stronger, for others not as strong. What is it? How do we incorporate it into a healthy life?

I believe that intuition is a natural state, not an extraordinary one. I also believe that it can manifest in different ways. We can get a thought that just seems Right. We can get an emotion that will not be ignored. We can sense an energy that gives us a clear message. I also think that intuitive concepts can come to us in dreams or from spiritual guides.

I do not believe that intuitions are more valid than the knowledge we get from more mundane sources. I think they are different, not better.  That said, because they are less bidden, I think they deserve special treatment.

Much of my experience of the world comes energically. I realize that how a person "feels" to me is more important than how they look or what they say. I've come to trust that. I've been aware of that in myself for a very long time and it serves me well. I am also aware that I sometimes need to shield myself from that because for any variety of reasons, it is just too difficult. But I've been working with this for a long time and I'm comfortable with it.

Where I'm less comfortable is applying this to myself. Sometimes my natural intuitive sense of what I should be doing defies logic. For instance, I am facing an almost certain job upheaval and I am calm -- even excited -- about that while those around me in the same situation are anxious. I have to ask myself if I am in some pathological state of denial or if my emotions are out of whack.  Where does the intuitive sense of well-being come from? My mind? My emotions? I don't think so. I think it comes from my natural self, my pure spirit.

We can't be irrational and jump off buildings because we feel like it. But we can listen to those messages we get and add them into the mix of our life.

Anyway, just some thoughts. I can't nail it all down. I'd love to hear other ideas.
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Re: Intuition
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 03:02:39 PM »

You had to post this when I'm likely to be off a computer for five days, didn't you? ;) I'm looking forward to reading the replies and posting when I'm on a keyboard.
My train of thought derailed.

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Re: Intuition
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 11:28:55 PM »

I like this post, great topic. Intuition can spring from our minds ability to absorb more information then we have in the fore of our consciousness. There are lots of small bits of information, facial expressions, phrasing, body language, rough guesses and countless other things that our subconscious absorbs. Our connection to the energies around us, is perhaps the greatest source. I don't think there is one source for intuition. These little things are not things that are written down like a sign but something we tend to feel. The heart knows things that can't be seen, is a simple way to put it.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 08:54:23 AM by vordan »
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Re: Intuition
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2011, 11:00:10 AM »

I believe that my intuitive sense is often my subconscious mind processing little clues that people put off in their mannerisms, etc.  I am very observant and even though I don't consciously recognize behaviors, I am sure I am seeing them.  These instances, I believe that the intuition is coming from within.  However, I have had many instances of just "knowing" things completely out of the blue. This sense is usually an emotion attached to someone I care about or a sense that something is just not right.  I believe that these instances are coming from an outside source.

I identify that source as Dragon but some people may see such communications as coming from the collective consciousness or universal energy.  I don't actually see Dragon with my eyes.  I believe communications from him are through my third eye or crown and are almost always accompanied by that tingly magic feeling.  Come to think of it, when I am writing poetry and the words feel like they are coming from outside myself, I have the same feeling. 

I am starting Chakra classes next week and am hoping that the classes will help me understand and access my intuitive senses more reliably and comfortably.  I had an intuitive experience this past week that made me realize that it is imperative that I embrace my intuitive self more fully.  Struggling internally against what my heart knows to be true causes too much emotional turmoil and is probably one of the causes of my lifelong struggle with depression and anxiety.

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Re: Intuition
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 02:29:54 AM »

I've been thinking about intuition [snip] What is it? How do we incorporate it into a healthy life?

It's a little funny BF, the questions themselves are simple on their face, but dig a little and there are layers here that are tough to answer.

I believe that intuition is a natural state, not an extraordinary one. I also believe that it can manifest in different ways. We can get a thought that just seems Right. We can get an emotion that will not be ignored. We can sense an energy that gives us a clear message. I also think that intuitive concepts can come to us in dreams or from spiritual guides.

I agree ... but I think it's more than this as well.  I've come to believe that our brain is constantly exchanging "information" with the Universe and its energies.  I think of part of the brain as a transceiver, constantly communicating with those universal energies.  But just as we are all physically different on the outside, our brains are different too and I think that some of us have transceivers that are more finely tuned (for lack of a better analogy) than others have.

I do not believe that intuitions are more valid than the knowledge we get from more mundane sources. I think they are different, not better.  That said, because they are less bidden, I think they deserve special treatment.

Absolutely!  At least until we are able to utilize both equally.  I know at least for me that I'm too heavily oriented toward the logical processes.  Not that I don't have the intuitive senses, just that they are overshadowed by the logical, partly because of who I am and partly due to my chosen field in the business world.

Much of my experience of the world comes energically. I realize that how a person "feels" to me is more important than how they look or what they say. I've come to trust that. I've been aware of that in myself for a very long time and it serves me well. I am also aware that I sometimes need to shield myself from that because for any variety of reasons, it is just too difficult. But I've been working with this for a long time and I'm comfortable with it.

I've always had this, but I didn't come to realize it for what it is until recently.  Had I figured it out sooner and learned to shield, much of my younger life would have been so much easier!  I'm now very comfortable with it and am able to use it to my advantage in most situations.

Where I'm less comfortable is applying this to myself. Sometimes my natural intuitive sense of what I should be doing defies logic. For instance, I am facing an almost certain job upheaval and I am calm -- even excited -- about that while those around me in the same situation are anxious. I have to ask myself if I am in some pathological state of denial or if my emotions are out of whack.  Where does the intuitive sense of well-being come from? My mind? My emotions? I don't think so. I think it comes from my natural self, my pure spirit.

Of course it does.  Our true (or pure) spirit is in tune with the energies of the Universe.  The Universe knows what is in store for you (past, present, and all possible futures are melded on a quantum level) and I think you are "feeling" the ultimate outcome even if you logically don't know what it is.  If we trust that our purpose is true and flow with that which is set before us, the path is much less bumpy. ;)
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Re: Intuition
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 10:31:29 AM »

I'm like most of you and am not great at trusting my intuition, though I'm constantly getting smacked upside the head on a regular basis because of that.  I won't even begin to guess or assume what it is or where it comes from as I don't think my poor brain can handle all of that at this point.  :whistle:

I will say that I have learned to recognize a pattern of how mine presents itself, which of course I NEVER see until way after the fact.  When I am just unconsciously sure of something, meaning I'm not really thinking about something, but just doing it, I tend to be dead on accurate.  If I try to focus on something, to consciously get a feel, all of my self doubts, second guessing and questioning come in and obliterate any possibility of me being able to listen.  I have done this mostly when working with stones, but I've also done it with coming up with totally accurate information out of nothing and usually in a joking around or goofing off manner.

I have no idea if any of that makes any sense at all, but I don't know how to explain it better.  It is almost as if my conscious self steps aside for a bit.
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Re: Intuition
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 09:52:45 PM »

It makes perfect sense, Fox.

What I have notice about intuition.... children, very young children, seem to be far more open and accepting of "following their hunches". I have always known if a child under a  year doesn't want to be near a certain person or place, you shouldn't force them: there is ALWAYS a reason. I think we lose that openess as we get older because of outside forces..."Oh, you don't know anything about it" "There's nothing wrong with so and so" "There is nothing logical in your conclusion" Some people can sweep all that garbage aside and reconnect, some can't. And like Fox, if I think about it...FORGET IT. If I just go about my business, I do MUCH better.
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Re: Intuition
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 09:27:07 AM »

Its funny you say that BronwynWolf, whenever my granddaughter, of 15 1/2months is around or even sees, one of my son's closest friends, he has know him a long time, she starts to cry, like a fear type of cry. She is always shy around new people, but once she gets to know them, she warms up, but this friend, she hasn't done that with, she is geniuely scared of him, and we, or him, cannot understand why. He has always been a nice guy, but there is just  something about him she just doesn't  like.



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Re: Intuition
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2011, 01:51:46 PM »

Cindy, that can be as simple as the soap or aftershave the guy wears... or it can be more in depth.
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Re: Intuition
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 12:11:31 PM »

I told my son, what your suggestions were, and he said nah, its his face. :rotflmao:

He is a goofy looking guy, so I guess it could be that, so I hope she gets used to him soon, and likes him, because her daddy will be friends with him for a long time I think. :D



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Re: Intuition
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2011, 01:41:39 PM »


Yup, could be! Hubby shaved his beard and tash completely off when the Kidling was about 6 months old. She didn't recognize him, and when he picked her up, she started shrieking like a banshee!
"...If my body dies tonight, my soul rides on the wind...." (From "The Man" by Mark Ryan, music from Wuthering Heights)



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Re: Intuition
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 02:08:13 PM »

My dad had always had a mustache when I was growing up and decided suddenly one day when I was about 14 that he wanted to shave it off.  I couldn't look at him without laughing and my baby brother, who was only about 2 1/2 at the time cried every time he saw my dad.  He didn't shave it off again until a couple of years ago.
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