Pagan Journeys > In the Broom Closet

Coming out to partners?

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When we started 'dating', he didn't know about my spiritual tendencies (although to be fair it never came up). Later on when all the big conversations came up, he accepted it when he saw the subtle proof floating around us (the circumstances of our meeting, the timing and both our synchronizing backgrounds convinced us that coincidences don't exist).

On top of that, where he's from (and where I used to live) the predominant religion is 'christianity', but he is atheist and most of the holidays they celebrate are actually pagan holidays that have been renamed to "saint _____'s day". So really, his country is still very pagan in its roots; just most of their population isn't all that aware of it. It was one of those countries that was initially 'taken over' by the christian movement so the religious format never really out-rooted the old religion. That was also another thing we've decided not to accept as mere coincidence.

My husband had some weird experiences with a group of Pagans who are very fluffy and very sexually active and aggressive and since then he has had kind of a weird opinion on the subject (this all happened years ago). He likes to joke around by calling me "Witchy Woman" and he calls our kitty my familiar, but then again he'll also ask me to smudge the perimeter of the house or burn candles, etc. I think he is partly interested but doesn't want to put forth effort, haha. We never really discussed religion when we started dating, and I never really felt it to be necessary to bring it up in conversation, so it's just kind of been seen and inferred through the years.

Since I met GW through this and other pagan type forums, there was no necessity to "come out".  I have to say that being of like minds spiritually is really quite amazing in an intimate relationship. 

I was married to a butt-head who thought I was a debbil worshiper before though.  It was most unpleasant.  I told him because I didn't feel that keeping secrets about something so important to me was healthy in a marriage.  His attitude about my faith (among other things) showed me that the marriage was completely unhealthy.


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