Pagan Journeys > In the Broom Closet

My friend needs some help.

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--- Quote from: Wolfsrain on April 29, 2012, 11:53:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: diniesaur on April 29, 2012, 09:22:13 PM --- From what my friend said, the reason her mother is so worried is because a relative was "into" Paganism and died young, so she's afraid it will happen to everyone I guess.

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Stuff like this upsets me. Catholics die young all the time. So do Muslims... merf. It just... happens.
I hope your friend can find freedom in her studies and thoughts when she goes to college. Maybe one day her parents will be alright with it.

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Yes, it's frustrating. It must be another fallacy caused by the human brain. At least she means well, but hopefully when I get all old and she realizes that I'm Pagan she'll quit believing that.

If she's leaning toward the Celtic, the book "Celtic Heritage" by Rees and Rees


--- Quote from: earthmuffin on April 29, 2012, 09:04:10 PM ---I don't think your friend should deliberately make waves with her parents, but I have to say I am amazed at the number of parents who are the thought police for their children. 
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I don't post here a lot anymore, but I do skim the posts every once in a while and the parenting issues seems to grab me the hardest. Thought police parents of older children sadden me to my soul. That kind of disruption of the normal flow of life creates such negative energy that it is toxic to individuals, families, communities. I get it. I understand parents wanting to steer their children in the right direction. I really do. I raised two children and I had my share of scary moments. But there is a difference between leading children right and putting up barricades for the very skills they have to practice while still safely at home.

One piece of advice for your friend, Diniesaur, and one piece of advice for us all.

If your friend wants more of a connection to the Divine, meditation and awareness are available for all. Meditation does not have to be elaborate. It can be a simple relaxation when lying in bed to go to sleep at night. Setting the intention of listening to the Divine and being open to hearing is a marvelous prayer.  Successfully clearing of the mind for even a minute opens the window to hear more clearly the messages we receive all day long.

And for all of us, we need to own who we are, live what we believe. The more the pagan community can be comfortable with this blessed path, the less resistance we set up in the energic mix of ideas and perceptions in the world at large.

Blessed be.

Does your friend have access to the library and time enough to spare in there to read? She could read any number of books in the library, Pagan or otherwise, while in the building if she had time. I'm sure she could make up "excuses" as to why she is there all the time, too. It'd be easier than trying to find hidey-holes for books and erasing internet history constantly.

My heart goes out to her and I hope she finds outlet soon. Good luck!


--- Quote from: bluefire on April 30, 2012, 11:19:59 AM ---And for all of us, we need to own who we are, live what we believe. The more the pagan community can be comfortable with this blessed path, the less resistance we set up in the energic mix of ideas and perceptions in the world at large.

Blessed be.

--- End quote ---

Very true. And agreed with FairyQueen, libraries are great. :)


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