Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Can someone explain to me...

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"Fluffy bunny"? I've seen it several times and I can assume we aren't talking about him --> :pinkbunny:

A link to where I can read about it is good too :)


--- Quote from: FairyQueen on November 15, 2011, 11:13:29 PM ---"Fluffy bunny"? I've seen it several times and I can assume we aren't talking about him --> :pinkbunny:

A link to where I can read about it is good too :)

--- End quote ---

A "Fluffy Bunny" is a derogatory term that is applied to people who only look at the "cute" or the positive aspects of something and attach themselves to that and that alone, often overlooking the more serious sides of something. Often to the point where it become patently obvious that they do not take the subject with all due seriousness.

For example we often speak of "Fluffy Bunny" pagans (also known as "play-gans"). These are people who only see Paganism as something that is cute (thanks in part to shows like "Sabrina the Teenaged Witch") and/or trendy and totally ignore that Paganism is a religion that others take seriously and with due reverence.

They overlook the fact that many pagan religions deal with balance and understand that a certain level of negativity must balance the positive aspects. With age (in most cases) comes knowledge and experience, death makes room for new life, and that sometimes a forest must burn to maintain the forest's strength and vitality. Balance.

Fluffy Bunnies only see "Witch" as something trendy, cute, or as a way to rebel against parental units that have honked them off when they try to guide them.

Ah! Thank you. :)

What Mongo said.

I would add that it would be someone who is All Show, No Real Practice. Extravagant clothes and jewelry, expensive athame and cauldron... but how often do they really use them?

I usually picture the one the media just loves to know, the one with the pentacle the size of a Flava' Flav' clock around their neck...


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