Pagan Journeys > Paths and Traditions

How Many Gods Does It Take To...

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--- Quote from: Mongo on January 11, 2011, 12:28:05 AM ---I used to look at it all as one Divine spirit with the different facets. But on the flip side I've had conversations with the God and Goddess and I know that they have different yet compatible personalities.

So like BlueFire I am at peace with not understanding what the deuce is going on in the higher planes and just take solace in the fact that there is something there.

Honestly, just knowing that something is there makes me feel better about things.

--- End quote ---


I used to see the gods as facets of a divine gem; then I was introduced to hard polytheism, and had the chance to come to know some of the gods. I still feel like there is a governing force, to which even the gods are subject, and I've come to identify that force as Nature. This means, on a spectrum, I believe the gods to be between us and Nature. Individuals, but not supreme - and as the relationship between the Aesir and Vanir shows, some are closer or more attuned to Nature than others.


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