Pagan Journeys > In the Broom Closet

Half and Half

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The only people who know about me are the people on this forum and another. It seems to be better this way. It wouldn't work out right with my family if they knew, and I may need money when going to university, so it's not always best to rock the proverbial boat.

Crystal Dragon:
I guess I'd have to say I'm out of the closet.  My hubby knows, and he's fine with it ... he' even joined me in ritual a few times.  My daughter is Wiccan.  My dad knows and is fine with it ... I'm not on speaking terms with most of the rest of the family for a variety if reasons, but none of them related to my beliefs.  I wear a pentacle all the time and while I've gotten a couple of funny looks, I've only ever had one person mention it.  Basically, I don't bring up religion in conversations.  If asked, I answer honestly, but feel no need to throw my views in anothers face.

I am sorta in and out. I've never gone out of my way to deny what I am, but I don't go shouting it from the rooftops. Most of my family does NOT know...more peaceful that way. My mother knows, my dad did, my brother does...My MIL, FIL and SIL know...not sure about who else on that side.

I'm out of the closet to anyone who cares to ask.  Can't say it comes up often though.  Family celebrates sabbats with me.  Friends either accept it or don't say much, but we have had some interesting conversations too.

One woman at work made a snide comment when I put up an arrangement that included some crystals on my desk to suck up negative energy.  She asked what it was and I told her.  She made some comment about needing a goat to make it work or something.  I don't remember exactly what it was.  It struck me as funny and I laughed, then she did too.  She did come back a week later to say that "the air has lightened."  It had.  It was during a really tough time at work when a reorganization, including layoffs, was being planned but hadn't been announced yet.  The atmosphere was charged with fear and secrets.  I really believe my little crystal friends helped all who came to my desk to stay cool.  She hasn't bugged me since and has even asked more questions here or there.

I am lucky to live in a place where people pretty much stay out of one another's business.  I know it's not like that everywhere.


--- Quote from: bluefire on September 07, 2009, 09:59:44 AM ---I am lucky to live in a place where people pretty much stay out of one another's business.  I know it's not like that everywhere.

--- End quote ---

Oh, how I wish it was!


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