Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Samhain or All Hallows Eve

What should I do for Samhain?

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I have a few cousins who are still in single digit years, so I don't really have an option about the candy :)

Samhain is my New Year's, maybe that will help you put the tasks into perspective a bit. There's a bunch of recipes in another topic in this forum, apples are traditional so... homemade applesauce is pretty easy?

Homemade applesauce is wonderful!!  I recently posted a recipe in the Kitchen section if you are interested.


--- Quote ---Homemade applesauce is wonderful!!  I recently posted a recipe in the Kitchen section if you are interested.

--- End quote ---


Thanks! I will see if I can make the homemade applesauce. It sounds gooood.

My son is coming home from school for Samhain, so all the kids will be here and we are going to do a full-on Samhain this year. I am SO excited!

I'm going to bring out photos and trinkets from family members who have passed and make a life celebration altar. I'll take pictures when it's up. We have a ritual where we talk to those we miss who are passed and remember the lessons each of them taught us. It is always moving and wonderful, but we haven't done that for a few years now, for one reason or another.

Then we feast on our traditional Samhain meal:  harvest stew, home made bread, apples, and pumpkin pie.

Then the kids will inevitably have their own parties and such to do, but I like to write in my journal and reflect on the new year.


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