Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Meetings and Such

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You're welcome!  :squeezes:

We are at Fort Carson and they have a regularly scheduled pagan meeting on Sundays at 2 at the base chapel... are there any resources you could utilize like that? I used to find some groups around here, but Colorado Springs has a pretty large pagan community, and when we were stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, they also had a pagan community, it wasn't nearly as big, and they didn't do anything on base for pagans, but they did have some small out-of-the-way places to go to that you would miss if you weren't paying attention.

Talked to the Assistant today, he is getting me the contact info for the on base Wicca group. And I am also checking out WitchVox. Site has a lot of information. And I also found a shop down in Nashville. No offense to the web-based stores, I just like being able to meet face to face with people, it's something the computer can't allow allow you to do. Plus, a person in a store is normally better able to recommend something based off your thoughts, and your body language. Many things I am finding, and I am feeling good about today.

I'm glad you talked to the chaplain's assistant. There is a large misconception that the chaplain is only there for those of Christian faith, but as I found out first hand with my husband's chaplain, that just isn't the case. They are a pot filled with knowledge, even if they themselves don't believe what you do. You might also ask if they have money in the budget to get you a few books on your faith - in this economy it is even hard for the military but still, you might get lucky!


--- Quote from: Batman1984 on July 23, 2012, 12:49:49 PM --- No offense to the web-based stores, I just like being able to meet face to face with people, it's something the computer can't allow allow you to do. Plus, a person in a store is normally better able to recommend something based off your thoughts, and your body language.

--- End quote ---

I have to put in my 2 cents as an online business owner.  While I do agree to some extent with the face to face thing, I think it also really depends on what it is you are looking for in general.  The comment that someone is better able to recommend something based on thoughts and body language is completely not true in my experience.  I have been able to create some really remarkable pieces just through communicating via email and, in some cases, phone calls.  In all honesty, I've shocked myself with the connection some of my clients have made with the pieces I have created for them.  You do not need to physically be in another person's presence to be able to generate a level of personal connection.  That applies to all kinds of things and not just businesses.  I have some pretty spectacularly close relationships with people that I've never met face to face or even spoken to on the phone.  Yes, that isn't always the case, but it absolutely is possible.  Don't discount the value of online connections.


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