Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Did you choose a God(s), Goddess, or were they already a part of your path?

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--- Quote from: FairyQueen on July 31, 2012, 05:16:10 PM ---Eh, I think it is a little bit of both. And even those who believe that Deities are archetypes can be "chosen" by a particular deity. I know that sounds odd, but let me explain by giving you my personal example: I believe that Divinity is the energy that is in everything and everyone. I guess that makes me more pantheistic; however, I like to assign this belief to a personality because it helps me "focus" better. I have always been drawn to "Mother Earth" figures and so was doing a lot of research on Gaia. I came across a website about the Slavic pantheon and read the name "Mokosh." The feeling I got was like a slap in the face and a warm embrace all at once. Like "Thank goodness you're here, why the hell did it take so effing long?!"

Clear as mud, right?

Regardless, I guess it depends on what you believe Divinity is. Once you figure that out, you'll figure out who/what to talk to.

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Hi FairyQueen
Exactly, focus is perhaps what I am asking for in my questions! :) I feel that it is easy to overcomplicate things, in a way I had a slap in the face but time has past since and I am again looking for a reminder. Thanks!


--- Quote from: earthmuffin on July 31, 2012, 08:29:40 PM ---I had a similar experience to FairyQueen,viewing the deities as archetypal and honoring them as such but then having an encounter with Demeter out of the blue. I still honor deities primarily as archetypes and have added a number of different deity figures-- they are the ones I identify with more for one reason or another. I haven't heard of anyone having predetermined deities based on their path-- though I surmise that might be the case for traditional Gardnerian Wiccans, who have the names of their deities revealed to them in their coven training. Somebody correct me if I am wrong-- I don't really know much about that path but it seems I picked that idea up somewhere.

If you are solitary, I would go with honoring whomever/whatever feels right. You will be corrected if/when you need to be. ;)

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Hi Earthmuffin
I am far from being well read in Paganism, but be pre-defined, I perhaps mean Roman Gods for example, who are names and well known, if one were to follow them then the Gods have their roles already defined. I am not following them, but I wonder what it is like for people attracted to them already you see.

I am solitary, for various reasons, so that is where the questions on adapting comes in. Ultimately there is no one to say I shouldn't due to some scripture or history and I am wondering if that is going to work for me... time and investigation will tell. Thanks. :)


--- Quote from: RedheadedAries on July 31, 2012, 09:12:36 PM ---I was working with the god Ares. I felt a connection toward him. Then one day I had a dream about the Egyptian god Ra which I thought was so strange because I had no knowledge of any of the Egyptian gods! I didn't knOw he was the sun god but in my dream I did! Then i started seeing him pop up in other areas of my life. He definitely chose me!

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Wow, that's a strong sign. Does Ares still play a role or has the role diminished now?


--- Quote from: Tirya on July 31, 2012, 10:09:38 PM ---I don't think you "adapt the Gods to your needs" - for example, I don't think you can take Anpu and turn him into an obedient puppy dog because you like the "Ooh! Puppy!" aspect but don't have any stomach for the fact that he is the god of the Underworld. But if you are needing guidance or assistance in something like a legal matter, for example, petitioning Ma'at for her guidance would be something to consider.

As for me, I started out in paganism by studying the Norse gods. I am Norwegian by heritage and was looking for a connection to the Divine after I lost my faith in Christianity. I enjoyed the myths and stories, but didn't feel a deep connection to them. For the longest time I just viewed Divinity in the archetypical "God and Goddess" without envisioning specific aspects or names or entities. When I ended up in a group that honored the Egyptian gods and felt like I had "come home". I have had some deep connections with Bast, and while my self-esteem isn't strong enough to say she has "claimed" me (because I don't feel worthy of being claimed, but that's another issue), I do honor her as my Matron Goddess. Even when I left the group and turned my back on paganism for several years, I was still aware of Bast and missed that connection. I tried researching the Greek pantheon and looked for a connection there, but never really felt one. And when I returned to learning about the Egyptian pantheon again, I again had the sense of "coming home"...even though it was around ten years after I left the group.

My advice? Don't force it. If there's a culture or pantheon that seems interesting to you, read about. Or them. Learn about the Gods and Goddesses, but if you don't feel a strong draw to any one in particular yet, it's okay to address The Lord and The Lady, IMHO. It may take a while.

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Hi Tirya, thanks for sharing your search, I can related to it. I explained above my idea of adaptation is to focus perhaps on one Goddess (or God) as a major although she/he holds a minor role normally. I will take your advice and let it come without forcing it. It is interesting that you felt such a strong connection to the Egyptian pantheon, I assume that is where you remain today?


--- Quote from: Claude on August 01, 2012, 12:49:03 AM ---Dionysus definitely picked me and no there was no sort of eclecticism adaptation etc in the process. He accepted me as I am and I accepted Him as He is.

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Hi Claude, it has been that fluid for you, that is great. Were the next steps as easy, such as worship, finding a group etc, or are you still working on evolving that?


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