Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Love and Light

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Ghost Wolf:

--- Quote from: BronwynWolf on August 19, 2012, 09:49:34 AM --- I am far more a Warrior than the "Fluffbunny White-Lighter New Age Indigo Child" fact, I have a very low tolerance for the neo-Pagans who insist everyone could just get along if they'd only try.

--- End quote ---


Rage/Violence issues can be difficult to overcome because honestly on some level we like it. There is a feeling of strength, a dissolving of fear, and a creation of iron willpower that comes with rage. Violence is also a powerful ,wild and free thing to our minds. The key to overcoming it is letting yourself feel weak for a time before you can learn to feel strong without rage and destruction all the time. This is not a creed of non-violence, getting pissed and getting in a fight is alright. But those feelings filling your mind constantly? That is nothing but damaging. At least this is how I experienced it and got it under control. You may have something entirely different going on.

If you feel broken or like a part of you is missing, I'd try a spiritual healer like a shamanic practitioner-- perhaps consider if soul retrieval might be appropriate.

Thanks for all the replies.

I like the idea of the Warrior archetype.  I guess I have been a little too close to the "fluffy bunny, white lighter" crowd.  Typically, there are nearly combative results when the subject is brought up.  What disturbs me is that the elders of my strange little group associate Warrior-type things with misogyny.  This is not something that I feel, but I fear that something as volatile as my demon may morph into something equally evil.
I'm not a terribly spiritual person.  I like intricate and accurate theology with just enough "static" in the air to let you know you're doing it right.  These "fluffy bunnies" have introduced me to visions and other things I had only secretly hoped for.  The only conclusion I can logically draw from this is that they are using only a portion of the True Religion. 
I have meditated and thought on this for some time since I posted the original question.  I think my answer is that I must move on.  If something is out of order (probable), then it would be addressed as a matter of course.  If something is not (possible), then it would not be condemned.  Apathy cannot be the wisdom and experience I am to follow. 
Thank you for helping me put this in words. 

I forgot to ask: Which elements would you suggest I work with?  My knee-jerk reaction would be to work with fire to understand and confront, but that seems a lot more stupid now that I say it.  Water's wisdom, perhaps?


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