Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Samhain or All Hallows Eve

Samhain 2013

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--- Quote from: Crystal Dragon on October 24, 2013, 02:18:40 PM ---Number one on the resolution list will be to banish disorder and invite in balance. ;)
--- End quote ---


Crystal Dragon:
Geeze ES ... I'm getting tired just reading all that!  :faint:

Eternal Seeker:

Well, I'm no longer a volunteer- my state ID now reads "Contractor Minister"... or it will, as soon as I get the TB test paperwork handed over, they're holding the badge hostage for the paperwork. But snafu or not, Colleen and I are the first ever Pagans to get such badges in the history of the state- most likely in the entire Mid-West. Hard to imagine me making history.


 :whoohoo:  That's awesome ES! 

For me. the exact day doesn't really matter, just somewhere around the end of October/beginning of November, but it's when I celebrate Apin Du-a.  Within the Nippur calender, each month signified something and was a time to celebrate something specific.  Apin Du-a was the name of an entire month, but since we no longer use that calender, I've basically converted these months into actual holidays.  This one signifies letting go of the plow for the year, the end of the planting and harvesting basically, the cessation of labor.  For me, this is a good time to take a bit of time off of work but it holds no religious significance.  Since I just started a new job, I probably won't be taking much, if any, time off this year though.  My "new year" is in spring, rather than during Samhain like many pagans practice.


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