Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

White light in a dream with madness to follow

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EM my heart tells me that for whatever reason i have indeed been tapped, or so it seems. i feel that i have a duty to investigate the unknown and be embraced by it. i have felt for sometime that im drawn to this that i need to do something in my life. something i cant explain. and my curiosity on the subject drives me mad. however im taking steps to ascertain the truth. i will accept nothing less than the truth and im convinced that this occurence has nothing to do with bi polar because i asked my mental health team if other people have witnessed a light in their dream before an episode and they told me that out of body experiences are common for a manic episode yet they couldnt explain the light i saw in my dream when i dug that far inot my mind on that night that changed my life forever. i have done extensive research on the subject to conclude that i may indeed be bi polar or whatever yet im still haunted by something that i cant explain. im highly intelligent with knowledge and wisdom so im told is well beyond my years i know things that help people yet i cannot help myself. something has to happen EM. i have the courage to take on something a hell of alot bigger than myself. in a way i feel my quest i have felt i need to undertake comes from the creator and until i see otherwise or know of fact otherwise this goal will be my ultimate salvation but how can i succeed without knowing what i may or may not have to do? EM you are a fascinating person and believe me when i say that you are quite possibly the only person i have met so far that has given me a new ideaa as to what has happened and to where i go from here i could talk for hours write pages and pages and it wouldnt be enough. if possible id like to PM you on this perhaps even skype you on it maybe because at this point all i have is ideas not facts and considering you know quite a bit im willing to know your perspective ill tell you the whole story and we will see if you think me crazy or on to something....because im so lost not just in soul but also in mind. Shaman i beg for your help on this matter to which youve given me more than the rest thus far....

Bear, I don't know much... all I can tell you is about my experience and what I think I have learned about it. You can PM me if you like. I am pretty busy due to the season but will do my best to listen and respond. Two years after my experience, I sought to write it all out in a novella form and I had exact recall of just about every detail and everything that was said though I was fuzzy on the order of certain events. I got about 35 pages into and then eventually lost interest. I think it worked itself out of me, which was good. Writing about your experience may help you process it. I never was one to journal but I do think it helped as they say it does.

Try some guided meditations. even if the Light was a byproduct of being Bi-polar your subconscious mind can provide that answer during the meditations. there are some really good ones on as mp3 files for cheap. some you're expected to follow the whole time and others give you a few minutes to simply receive messages from spirit

FYI, a white light preceded my experience also. Interesting...


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