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new house energy? ?

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Here's my question/concern for anyone who may know about energy in a new house....

As I've posted before, I just had a wonderful baby and bought a new house. I wanted to cleanse the house of any unbalanced or harmful energy. But when I walk through the house it seems so calm... as if there is no harmful or unbalanced energy. I do not sense any spirits either.
My boyfriend was engaged previously and has items and furniture from his previous house which we are using. So I guess I have 3 questions....
1. Can energy/spirits lay dormant until we actually move in?
2. Can my boyfriends items and furniture bring any harmful unbalanced energy to the house? And...
3. When should I cleanse the house?

I am concerned because of my 3 month old son. I want him in a calm and positive environment.

Thanks everyone   :rolleye:

1.  Yes.  It is possible for spirits to be resting and then get stirred up when new occupants show up.
2.  Yes.  If you feel there is negative energy attached to items from the previous relationship, you might want to consider a cleansing.
3.  I cleansed our new home before we moved in - it is such a small effort for something so important as creating a haven for your loved ones.  You may also want to clear out the energies periodically thereafter.  No matter how happy people are, negative energy can accumulate over time.

Crystal Dragon:
Completely agree with all DS has said.

Cleansing never hurts and neither does drawing in happy/peaceful energies.  I regularly cleanse my home (smudge to chase off negativity, then burn incense to bring in the positive) and will do an extra session if things get chaotic in between cleansings.  I also keep a ward on the property to help keep negative gunk from building up too fast.  ;)

DS that was very helpful thank you....CD, what do you mean by a ward? How would I go about doing that?

Just had a thought wondering if there are any warding videos on youtube.  :idea: This topic plus the grounding and shielding seems to come up again and again and though we have experienced folks on here who can describe the processes, I personally never seem to really get it. A "warding for dummies" type youtube video of someone doing a ward (or doing a grounding/shielding) and describing the process while showing it might just be the ticket for me, I think. Maybe it's crazy, but I thought I'd put it out there in case any of our "elders" here might consider something like that some time.  :whistle:


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