Pagan Journeys > Pagan Chat

If you had to choose a god/goddess to meet, who would you choose?

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Just to say "HI" in a physical form?
I would say Anki. A Creator from the cosmology of Sumer. A truly non-corporeal deity in every sense of the phrase. I would love to see and touch what cannot be seen or touched.
Deity like Anki, El, and even the Christian "God" are termed air deities. They exist in spirit only forms without physical attributes at all. They are said to be male, female, neuter, all and none at the same time. Most religions began with an "Air God" but the human nature of anthropomorphizing of deity gradually does away with the original "Air Gods" in favor of more human like gods with limits and bodies.

I have no idea what form It would take but it would be something that one would remember forever.

Umm... I have not learned much about the deities yet so my answer might sound a little limited. But for me it's Venus and Athena. Also, going off from the topic of deities alone; if I could meet a personification of Earth, it would be great. It's my element and it'd feel like home if I could talk to her.


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