Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Question on the Fey

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The only thing I have learned in my dealing with them is that things are on their terms only. They will intereact with you at their whim and take offense at being forced to do anything. The shapeshifting I have heard about and think possible.  Think of it this way you never really see anything, your brain interprets electromagnetic impulses resulting in vision. A being which is a form of conscious electromagnetic energy should be able to project any image they want into your brain. If life has colonized every enviroment it has encountered, water, land, sky, trees, caves it is possible it would colonize the realms of energy and thought.

Not much left to add here except that anyone who wants to start working with the Good Cousins should definately read Brian Froud's works.  I would also add that speaking from experience if you invite Them in you best have a nicely marked way for Them to get out else stuff WILL go missing whilst you are at work simply because they're bored. I can't speak for anyone else's experience but my lot get hopelessly turned around indoors.


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