Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Question on the Fey

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First off, thanks everyone for the warm welcome and advice!  :thankyou:

I will definately leave some "shinies" and a saucer of milk out for them tonight (out of honey atm, will pick some up when I can).

I (thought that I) picked out the flowers for my little garden more or less randomly, but on a whim I just looked up the meaning of them, and it goes as follows:
Outer ring (12, 4 lined up to the compass using the sun as a guide) : Impatiens - Motherly love
Inner ring (4 lined up to the compass using the sun, again) : Marigold - Acceptance
Center : "Rosy Cheeks" Carnations - Love
Anyone else think this might be Freya (Queen of the Elves/Fey/Vanir)?   :omg:

Ghost Wolf:
I don't think it's Freya, she would manifest in a way that would be unmistakable - believe me, I know.  :D They are landvaettir:ættir

The good and positive little energies do like some order, the wilder and creepier ones like things a little messy. One thing to do if the fay are around you is when you weed and trim to apologize to the earth spirits for that which you take explaining why you are doing it to them. The little gifts do go a long way a outdoor fairy altar with a few stones to place things on is good. The little energies are not all knowing so give them predictable behavior, particular places for the gifts, set routines that they can follow. Now people might think you are a little nuts out there talking in your garden so be discreet.

My friends already think I'm a little bonkers, Vordan, so I'm not too worried about scaring them.  :D

That's actually a relief, GW, b/c after Odin repeatedly whacked me in the head for not recognising him, I don't need another god(dess) demanding attention as well. I just don't know how much more of this I can take. It's like as soon as I get adjusted, someone/something else pops up. I'm just glad they're all waiting until I can wrap my head around who it is this time!  :faint:

I realize this is a very old thread, but I wanted to ask if anyone has read this ( and what they think about the...uh...credibility(?) of it? I just found this (I am very interested in the Fey and I'm sure that has to do with the meaning of my given name) and want to be sure I'm not lead astray. Vision is right in that there is very little definitive information about the Fey on the internet.


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