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Author Topic: Pagan Journeys TOS  (Read 23756 times)

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    • Journey of a Wild Spirit
Pagan Journeys TOS
« on: August 23, 2009, 11:50:31 AM »

Pagan Journeys Terms of Service

Pagan Journeys is an online community primarily geared toward Pagan paths, but all paths and spiritualities are welcomed here.

By completing the registration process, you have agreed to abide by all the rules set forth in these Terms Of Service (TOS).  These rules apply to all areas and features of these forums including, but not limited to, all forums and subforums, member profiles, and private messaging. 

All content found or added to these forums both written and visual shall comply with these rules including, but not limited to: posts, private messages, pictures, avatars, graphics, links, and videos.  The rules set forth here apply to all members.

Failure to follow any of these rules will result in posts being edited or deleted and may also result in warnings, suspension of posting privileges, or members being banned.  Repeat offenders will be banned from these forums at the sole discretion of the administration. Warnings, suspensions, and bans may occur with or without notice at the sole discretion of the forum staff.

The rules:

1. You MUST be 18 or older to join.  If it is determined that a member is younger than the required 18 years of age, they will be banned from the forum without notice.

2. This is a privately owned forum and there is no guarantee made that members will be allowed to remain in these forums.  This forum is intended to be a place where members of all faiths (Pagan or otherwise) can come to discuss aspects of their faith, learn about the paths of others, or to seek guidance from others who may have already walked down those paths.  As mentioned in our About page, this place is home to the staff and all members are effectively guests and are expected to behave in a polite and respectful manner.  Members choosing to behave in a manner inconsistent with these goals will be aggressively moderated.

   2.1 All members are solely responsible for their own actions and any written or visual material (including links to other sites) posted by them.

   2.2 All members are expected to behave like adults:

      2.2.1 Members who insist on using offensive, inappropriate, or derogatory humor will be suspended.  Repeat offenders will be banned.

      2.2.2 Members who are disruptive, stir up trouble, are mean spirited, engage in bullying, or otherwise act in a manner that causes undue aggravation to other members or the staff will be banned.

      2.2.3 Members who refuse to behave in a manner that promotes a comfortable, respectful, and productive atmosphere will be suspended.  Repeat offenders will be banned.

   2.3 Any member who feels another has violated this section are asked to report the offending post or otherwise contact one of the staff (don't play moderator).

3. NO SPAMMING.  These forums are aggressively moderated with regard to spam and potential spammers.

   3.1 If you come here only to post links to other sites in an attempt to get free advertising, all posts will be removed and you will be banned without notice.

   3.2 If an email or IP address used to register an account on these forums shows up as a known spammer on one of the spam/abuse lists that we monitor, that account will be banned without notice.

   3.3 If an email or IP address used to register an account on these forums shows up as toxic or as a probable spammer on one of the spam/abuse lists that we monitor, that account will be immediately placed in moderation so that no posts will be visible without staff approval.  Members on moderation who demonstrate a desire and ability to be productive members of the community will be removed from moderation at the staff’s discretion.

   3.4 Additionally, in order to prevent spammers from flooding our forum and eating up bandwidth, all new members have limited access to certain board features such as profiles and the PM system.  New members (those with the member group "validating") cannot view signatures or attachments.  All new members will remain in this group until they have made five productive posts. New members creating multiple nonsense posts to boost their post count will be moderated or suspended.

4. LINK RULES.  The purpose for posting links is to enhance our members’ experience and to help generate community and participation.  For that reason there are certain rules as to what can and cannot be posted in the forums.

   4.1 Any links that are intended for any purpose other than entertainment (or the few exceptions noted below) must be approved by the staff.  A request may be made via the PM system.  Any links posted without staff approval will be removed and if it is felt that the link in question was posted in an attempt to bypass this rule, the user will be warned, suspended, or permanently banned. 

   4.2 Members in the Validating state of membership may not post links except those from news sources (see subsection 4.3) since they do not have access to the PM system to ask for permission.  Doing so could result in the member getting suspended or permanently banned.

   4.3 Reputable news sources such as newspaper sites, Associated Press, CNN and other similar sources are acceptable as long as the content is appropriate and meets the TOS rules.

   4.4 YouTube links are acceptable as long as the content is appropriate and otherwise meets the TOS rules.  If a member posts a link to a YouTube video that contains content inconsistent with this TOS, the post will be removed and the member warned.

   4.5 Links to competing sites are strictly prohibited unless approved by an administrator.  This includes sites that would compete with Pagan Journeys or its partner sites; Shades of Midnight, Dragonstone Herbals, Healing Through Balance, and An Illuminated Path.
   4.6 Links to personal sites are not allowed.  Links to personal blogs are only allowed in the member’s profile signature.

   4.7 Links to sites which contain speech or information that is derogatory or inflammatory toward ANY religion are not allowed.

   4.8 All content on the site you are linking to must be age and content appropriate and must otherwise meet the standards of Pagan Journeys as noted herein.

   4.9 If you are unsure if the link you wish to post is acceptable, please PM an administrator or moderator before posting.

5. NO FLAMING.  People do not always agree, that is just a part of life and is understandable.  But name calling, personal attacks, intolerant/racial/prejudicial slurs or anything else that is deemed offensive by the staff is grounds for an immediate ban.  Any incidents will be handled on a case by case basis, with the worst offenders being suspended or permanently banned without notice.  We will also not tolerate complaints of abuse or “meanness” because someone didn’t agree with your particular view.  As far as we are concerned, this is just as bad as flaming.

6. No political discussions.  It is our experience that these sorts of discussions devolve into flaming very quickly.  There are plenty of politically based forums on the internet if you feel the need.  In the interest of keeping this place peaceful, we are not allowing those discussions here.

7. Respond to the post itself and not the person who posted.  Even if a response doesn’t fall under the flaming category (see 5.0 above) any response directed at a member that is in any way derogatory will be considered inappropriate and at a minimum, the post will be deleted.  If deemed serious by the staff, the member may be warned as well.  Repeated offenses will result in the member being suspended or banned.

8. NO TROLLING.  Members engaging in troll-like behaviors will be warned and/or suspended.  Repeat offenders will be banned.

9. Evangelizing about or on the behalf of any specific religion, spiritual path, dogma, doctrine, etc. is not allowed.  Members engaging in such behavior will be suspended or banned.

10. Intolerance of other religions is not allowed and any post containing language that is derogatory toward any religion will be removed and the member warned.  Any post espousing action against another religion is cause for immediate ban without notice and may result in law enforcement being notified.

11. No “yelling” (typing only in capital letters) or textese is allowed.  Common chat type acronyms are acceptable, but shall be kept to a minimum.  If the staff feels there is an excessive use of chat speak, posts will be edited or deleted and members will be asked to curtail the use of such speech.

12. No posting of obscene, racist, violent, sexually explicit material or language, and no posts discussing illegal activities.  These sorts of discussions will not only get you banned, it may also result in your local authorities being contacted.

13. The use of profanity is forbidden as is attempting to bypass the profanity filter.  Attempts to bypass the language filter will result in edited or deleted posts and repeat offenders will be suspended or banned.

14. Copyrighted Material:

  14.1  Posting copyrighted material is not allowed and will result in posts being edited or deleted. 

  14.2  If permission to allow the posting material is obtained from the author/publisher of a writing, contact a staff member prior to posting such material. 

  14.3  If you are the author/publisher of copyrighted material posted without permission on these forums, please contact one of the forum adminstrators and your material will be immediately removed.

  14.4  Original material posted to these forums belong to the post author and may not be reposted elsewhere on the Internet without proper permission from the author.

  14.5  Pagan Journey’s makes no claim of copyright to any material posted to these forums with the exception of forum administrative material (including these Terms of Service) .  All posts are the property of the member who made them.

15. NO ASKING FOR SPELLS!  Spell requests are forbidden on Pagan Journeys and any request for a spell will result in an official warning.  Repeated offences will result in the member being banned.

16. Usernames shall be unique and must not be an intentional variation of existing members’ usernames.  Usernames containing obscene or sexually explicit terms are not allowed and will be changed by the staff or the account will be deleted.  User names containing only numbers or gibberish (strings of random letters) will be changed by the staff or the account will be deleted.

17. Members who have completed the registration process, but who have not subsequently logged in to the forums for a period of 6 months or greater may have their accounts deleted without warning in order to maintain an accurate database.  Members whose accounts have been deleted but are otherwise in good standing may reregister for a new account at a later time.  Members who have made posts will not be deleted unless violations of these terms of service have occurred, resulting in the member being banned.  Banned members may not create a new account to get around the ban.

18. Personal information including, but not limited to, real names, addresses, phone numbers, or emails shall not be posted in the public areas of these forums and soliciting personal information from other members is not allowed.  Passwords should NEVER be shared with other members.  Pagan Journeys and its staff are not responsible for members who choose to exchange information privately or to meet in real life.

19. Pagan Journeys is not responsible for the content posted by its members and makes no claim as to the accuracy of anything posted herein by its members.

20. Pagan Journeys does not guarantee that the site or any/all of its features or add-ons will work on all operating systems or web browsers.

21. Members will not attempt to moderate other members.  If you have a problem with another member’s post, hit the report button to notify the staff (all staff members receive these reports).  If you have an issue or problem with another member that is not post related, contact one of the staff members by PM.  Never attempt to reprimand, chide, or otherwise deal with another member who may have violated this TOS in public as this will likely earn you a warning as well.

22. There will be no arguing with staff decisions on the open boards.  If you have an issue with a decision or action made by the Pagan Journeys staff, you must address it through the PM system.  All decisions by the administration are final. There will be no arguing beyond that point or you will be asked to leave the forums and banned if necessary.

Reporting TOS violations:

If a post, picture, profile information, etc is seen that a member feels violates the TOS, the member is to report the suspected violation via the “Report to Moderator” link (at the bottom of each post) or a PM to one of the staff. 

Members having issues with another member are encouraged to work things out themselves, in private, prior to contacting the staff.    We’re not asking you to deal with any member who engages in harassment or bullying (either on the boards or via PM), but if you have a difference of opinion please do try to be mature and talk to the other member via PM if possible.

All administrative decisions regarding personal disputes are final and are not up for negotiation or debate.

Administration reserves the right to change these Terms of Service without notice and it is up to the members to periodically review this page for updates.

This TOS has been written by the Pagan Journeys Staff and is the property of paganjourneys.com … do not copy, paste, repost, or distribute (even with credit attached) without prior written permission from the administration.

Last update: 30 October 2018
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 05:48:18 PM by Crystal Dragon »
PMS ... just kill something and have some chocolate, then you'll feel better. - Crystal Dragon

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