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Interesting thought on practicing

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I was reading on a photography blog the other day about a lack of motivation to actually get out and take pictures.  This is definitely something I have run into in multiple areas of my life, so it was something that sparked my interest in how this particular blogger tries to overcome it.  His advice?  GO TAKE PHOTOS ANYWAY! 

Of course my first thought was, "That is so much easier said than done!"  What do you do when the lighting is bad or you are just too tired to go out walking around or you don't know what you want to photograph?  According to this blogger, you go out and do it anyway, no matter your excuse, you will find something interesting to photograph.

The idea got me to thinking about my spiritual practice, or current lack there of and if I could apply the "Do it anyway" principal to that.  It is an interesting thought.  All the times that I've not felt like I've had the energy or the motivation to do a ritual, I wonder how I would have felt if I'd just pushed on and done one anyway.  I wouldn't have to go overboard, just make the effort to do something, even if it is lighting a candle or sitting in the quiet for 5 minutes.  Something is better than nothing.

I think the same could be said for a lot of things I do, whether it be photography of something other than products, getting crafty with beads and metal, exercising or with my spiritual practice.  If you think about it from the perspective this blogger presents, very little of the excuses I make hold up to being anything other than trying to come up with a reason to not do the things that I'd really rather be doing because they are too much work.  It doesn't matter one bit that I feel much better once I've actually done any of them.

I think that this may be a new attitude that I'll have to try on for a while and see how it fits.

I think that philosophy applies to a lot of areas of life.  I have been applying it to my physical fitness program since the first of the year and have found it to be quite helpful. Sometimes, I really don't feel like working out but I put on my workout clothes and drag myself down to the gym anyway.  Even though it is hard to get started, most of the time I am really glad I did so when I am finished.  I think Nike was onto something with "Just Do It!".  I don't see why that can't apply to spirituality. 

I've done it before and it works primarily because after a few weeks of just doing it you find that you have gotten in the habit and you no longer have to try as hard to motive yourself. I did this when I was depressed once after a break up and didn't feel like getting out and exercising, but I forced myself to go to the gym every day anyway. After a few weeks, I was in better physical shape than I had been in some time and it's difficult to remain depressed when you feel that good. I also did apply it frequently during my year and a day of esbat ritual practice when there were nights where I just didn't feel like I had the energy to get out my tools.

Re. photography, it brought to mind this book I was given of Jim Brandenburg's photography. He challenged himself to take one picture a day for a month (or more, can't remember now) and have each picture good enough to publish in his book. He did it. Each picture was amazing! One can accomplish incredible things when by simple application of will.

You are all so right.  Can you follow me around and remind me?   :whistle:

 :rotflmao:  I think we may end up following each other around in a circle.  Wait, that could be a good thing.  :crazylaugh:


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