Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Beginner Help please! / Intro

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My name is Griffin, and I would like to first off give a little background. I am 21 years old and have studied religions quite heavily off and on throughout my life. I have always had a love for the "Old Religions" and have even practiced some Solitary Wicca in my own. Recently I have had problems encountering a re-occuring uprising in faith of the Christian religion. I don’t want to say that I have been “radicalized” but I have found myself trying to lean towards the Christian religion, but I don’t feel like it ever completes me. When I practiced Solitary for a little bit, I felt very happy during a meditative time, and felt whole contributing to the Lord and the Lady. Also, being in the military it is hard to be a constant practioner of any religion, but especially Solitary Wicca / Paganism. I have always been an extremely spiritual person and fully believed that our kind should be represented in the military, I was wondering if anyone can get in contact with me to help encourage me to continue my practices or help me in any other way possible for more inspiration towards what I FEEL. (I am in Afghanistan currently but have plenty of resources to get online / mailing as well). Sorry to anyone out there that it seems like I am pitiful, but I assure I am not TOO pitiful, I just believe (through reading the threads here) that you are all amazing people that are geared spiritually in the same manner as I.
Thank you so so so so very much,


Hey there! Welcome to PJ! I'm sure others will have more info, but if you go to, they have a list of Pagans in the Military - pagans of various paths who have chosen to make their contact information available (including their location). You migt want to check that out and see if there is anyone that you're stationed with that you could talk to. You might be surprised how many of them there are :)  If you have trouble finding it on the Witchvox site, I did a Google for "military wicca afghanistan" and it was one of the first hits.

Hi Tirya! I appreciate the link. Got it! Yeah I guess right now it is hard for me to get away from the Christian ideas of things, even though I have practiced Solitary Wicca.....I am surrounded by it everyday and just want an escape, but there is no way to get away it feels like. Also, I dont have the avalibility of tools for practice, nor the areas of privacy in which to do them...

Remember that you don't "need" tools or a full-blown ritual to honor the Gods - everything you NEED is inside you, all the time. Tools are useful to help you focus, Rituals are outward ceremonies of your inner beliefs. Wicca isn't "something you do", it's "something you are". So even if you can't do a full-circle, Quarter-calling, athame-and-chalice ritual, maybe you can find five minutes at sunrise or sunset (or noon, or midnight, or at eleven minutes past three... ;) ) to quiet your mind and reflect on the Gods, Their place in your life, and how your thoughts and actions each day honor Them.

I'll second Tir in everything she said.  Witchvox is a good place to find people close to you.  If in-person doesn't work for your situation, right here on Journeys is a perfect place to land.  We have a wonderful group of people here that are very supportive and helpful. 

Welcome to Journeys!


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