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My first supernatural experience

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A few years ago, November 14, 2008, I had a prophetic dream.  At the time I was almost always lucid in my dreams and I always remembered them the next morning.  At the time I worked at walmart and one night before a morning shift I dreamt that I was working the door greeting customers and nobody was coming in or out so I stepped outside.  As I looked across the road at the murphy gas station I watched a man attack the clerk and force his way inside, then my dream ended abruptly as I woke up.  When I went in to work that morning there was an ambulance and several cop cars at Murphy, and when I asked my coworker Scott what happened he told me exactly what I had dreamed the night before.

I was raised in a christian home but I haven't believed in god since my early teens, I still consider myself an atheist to this day, but I can't deny that there is something to the supernatural after that experience.  This gift seems to run in my family, my grandma used to dream events before they happened and more recently my uncle had a dream of a family member's suicide the night before it happened.

Just to clarify I am an atheist because I don't believe in a god or goddess, that doesn't mean I dismiss the idea of something supernatural, in fact I can't deny that there is something supernatural based on my personal experiences.  Instead of just believing what my parents told me to believe growing up I want to follow my own path and learn what is real.  My question is is there any way I can work on bringing back my ability to be lucid within my dreams?  And more importantly is there any way I can improve whatever psychic abilities I have?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Actually it sounds like you're less of an atheist but more of an agnostic.

You are not certain of if there is a Divine nor are you certain of how it manifests.

I was like that once  :whistle:

As for the happens.

For me it was finding the keys for a friend after sledding in deep snow. Looked for the entire afternoon and didn't find them. Next morning (I do not remember a dream) I knew I was goign to find them. We went there and as I was walking past a snow drift I suddenly reached into the snow and pulled the keys.

My mother's was more prophetic. She dreamed twice in one night that I was killed by getting my throat slashed. Once by a stranger, the other by my friends.

Obviously I'm not dead but it does get creepier.

The night before my Mom and Dad were away for a "Hail and Farewell" party for a pair of officers. One was leaving, the other transferring in to take his place. That night I was home alone watching the summer Olympics and I was trying to emulate the gymnastics team by doing pommel horse on a vinyl covered bar stool.

No not my brightest notion.  :crazy:

I took a face plant onto the kitchen floor and busted my chin. Being a boy scout I knew how to treat many of my own wounds and so I did. After an hour it was not bleeding heavily under the bandaid and in fact seemed to have stopped so I went to bed.

Mom comes in later and goes to bed to have her dreams.

During the night the bandaid slipped off and the cut on my chin was weeping blood. It went down my chin and got trapped and dried in a fold of my neck as I was sleeping.

A line of dried blood from ear to ear. Almost as if I had been slashed from ear to ear.

Mom damn near fainted dead away right then and there. Luckily my Marine dad was more practical and took me to the ER to get it sewn up.

So yeah, dreams like that happen to a lot of people. Some are more sensitive to it and can use it more than others...some it comes and goes.

For me it's never in a dream. I just get these hunches and I just "know" things. Like the last time I watched the Miss Universe pageant. Only saw the first five minutes of a three hour event and I knew that Miss Puerto Rico was going to win.

She did.

Atheist isn't my belief on all things supernatural, it's just my answer to one supernatural claim, that there is a god.  I believe in the supernatural, I don't believe in a god.

Agnostic to me is the same thing as atheist for people that don't like the label atheist.  I have friends who call themselves agnostic though they believe the exact same about god as I do, based on my experience I don't blame them for using a different label, my family thinks that atheist means I worship Satan even though I don't believe in him either.  It's nothing against anyone who does believe in a deity, I just haven't personally seen evidence for one, if I ever did I would follow the evidence where it leads me.  Obviously some people would consider my belief in prophetic dreams crazy, but my crazy beliefs are based on personal experience and stories from my family and people like you who also have experience with prophetic dreams.

I think it's safe to assume that you believe in a deity based on your personal experience, but I wouldn't expect you to believe something I believed just based on my word if you had no personal experience to back it up.  If I ever have personal experience that proves to me that a god exists I won't call myself an atheist any more.  I spent my whole childhood having people tell me what to believe, I just can't accept things without evidence, and as far as I can tell the only real evidence for most things supernatural has to come from personal experience.

A belief in the ability to have prophetic dreams does not preclude being an atheist or an agnostic. Unless you believe that the dreams somehow come from God-- then you cannot be an atheist. An agnostic differs from an atheist in that the atheist believes there is no god or divine power, only what we know as reality. An agnostic believes they cannot know the nature of the divine if it exists.

Something being unexplainable by current science does not necessitate that it is of divine origin. Therefore, a belief in the existence of inexplicable (or "supernatural") events or experiences, at least to my mind, is not in conflict with atheism or agnosticism.

Having said that, I admit that the powerful nature of having certain types of supernatural experiences can certainly sway even the most devout atheist.

Re. lucid dreaming and redeveloping it, try programming your mind at night as you fall asleep by asking for a lucid dream. I have not tested this assumption, but I think that if you meditate before you go to bed also, that it will increase your chances of the programming working.

Personally, I find my dream recall to be better and the nature of my dreams to be more vivid and to have to spiritual significance around the time of the full moon. Some people drink herb teas, smoke herbs (not recommended for health reasons) or place various herbs (mugwort, etc.) under their pillows to induce prophetic dreams.

earthmuffin - That pretty much sums up my atheism, atheist means I don't believe in a god (same way theist means you do believe in a god) but it doesn't mean I don't believe in the supernatural.  Even if science never explains why prophetic dreams happen I'm not just going to assume they come from god without evidence, I want to know as much as I can but I won't fill in the blanks with unwarranted assumptions.  Thanks for the advice on lucid and prophetic dreaming, I do meditate but I usually do it first thing in the morning, I'll have to start meditating before bed and see if that helps.  I've also started listening to isochronic tones that are supposed to help with lucid dreaming, so far I've seen minimal results but i'm gonna keep trying.


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