Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

has anyone heard of "Black Magic Martial Arts?" by Joseph Varner?


i found this book and i am kind of new to magic but it seems to be really good. im not sure what to think about it can anyone give me a review of it? here is a link if your enterested.

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I had never heard of it, so I downloaded it to take a look at it. I have to admit that the spelling errors really detract from the reading, but I'm trying to keep an open mind about it.

The fact that it seems to go right into the various harmful ways to use a poppet is, to me, a red flag, but then my magical philosophy is much closer to the "An it harm none" side of things than the "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" side.

Beyond that, it is pretty much a compliation of information that can be found elsewhere, and isn't as "fluffy" as I was afraid it was going to be based on the title. I didn't read the whole thing in depth, but what I did read rang in concert with what I already knew or had read elsewhere. So in that regard, there is some useful information for the beginner.

That being said - it is not something I would recommend for beginners. Why? Because IMHO "offensive magic" is not for beginners. I have a problem with turning a beginner loose with the magical equivalent of a loaded gun. :)

If the book and its topics appeal to you, you may want to do a gut-check with yourself and ask why - what draws you to it, what is it that makes you think "it seems to be really good". If it's because the idea of cursing and torturing someone magically is appealing, then it may be that you should be looking beyond magic to address the root of that desire.

Dunno if that makes sense or not. :)

You have to explore where your journey takes you. A good martial arts instructer and a good teacher in magic would tell you the same thing that what they teach is not to be abused.

Eternal Seeker:

There was a movies in which the villain had a switchblade concealed in a statue of the Virgin Mary. My opinion? It made a mockery of the religion and an ineffective weapon.

You can use magic to make yourself a smarter, wiser, more alert person, more attuned to your surroundings. This would make you more successful in all aspects of life, including martial arts, should you decide to pursue them. But using magic as a martial art? that's a perversion of both, to the detriment of both. And the less fluffy the approach, in this instance, the worse it is, not better.

When you've grown beyond wanting aw3som3 pow3rz, I'd be happy to discuss the uses of magic.


Green Seeker:

--- Quote from: Eternal Seeker on September 05, 2011, 10:29:54 AM ---

When you've grown beyond wanting aw3som3 pow3rz, I'd be happy to discuss the uses of magic.

--- End quote ---

Agreed. Very well spoken.


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