Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

I've been a beginner for a long time--I would like guidance.

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Before I start, I want to say that this guy is awesome:

For years, I have been wanting to get more connected with Paganism and Earth. I've started meditating again, but I feel like I need to learn more. I have a few books, but I would like more reccomendations and possibly a teacher. Here is my background if you need it:

I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a disorder that impedes social functioning and may cause anxiety and sensory integration problems. This means that I may do something that hurts your feelings and not seem to care; if I do, please remember that I don't mean to and tell me what I did so I can fix it. Thanks!

I am seventeen, but I am in college and my dad has taken me to pagan groups before despite his Southern Baptist upbringing. My mom is apprehensive about paganism in that she doesn't want me to rush into worshipping something I don't really know about, but she encourages me to study it and use it to gain a better understanding of the Universe and my place in it. She is worried because a few years ago I was dragged into doing something I shouldn't have done by a manipulative significant other; I can't give details because this person may be stalking me and I don't want him to know it was me. I know I won't do anything like that again, though--I've learned my lesson.

I've had a rough time, but not as bad as others have. I love Earth. I don't believe in "worshipping" in the traditonal sense; I see my connection to the God and Goddess as more of a loving friendship I have with someone who is much wiser than I am; I will try to follow what they want since they know more than me and I think I have similar goals to them (to help restore nature, take care of things that can't take care of themselves, spread love, etc.). I want to help creatures, and I believe all life is equal.

I'm not looking for anyone or anything who will try to feed me things I should learn on my own; I'm not looking for anything who will tell me my family isn't important or that my parents don't love me; I'm not looking for anyone who wants to force beliefs on me or brainwash me or anything like that--I've been through that before. I've looked on this forum and from what I've seen I think I can trust you guys to not do any of that.

If anyone has any suggestions for me or wants to help me, I would appreciate it!


To clarify, I just looked at the Cult Awareness post, and I found that I checked seven items on the list regarding my relationship with my former significant other...I feel like throwing up now...

We all make mistakes, particular in romantic relationships  :grouphug: So don't feel too bad. You're doing better than I was when I was 17! So be happy!  :D

I would say your best chance at gaining understanding of the world around you using this extremely broad avenue of paganism is by doing as much reading as possible, always reading more than one source on the same topic (different others, varying perspectives often gives a more accurate understanding) and ask your questions in the forum.

I haven't been here very long either, but I think you'll enjoy the atmosphere and everyone here seems happy to help with any quizzical topics you come across and would like opinions or insight on.

Anywho, welcome to the forum!

Thanks, Zlat! I am glad for the encouragement and advice. I never thought of having to read more than one source on the same topic. I will try it.

So far, I have enjoyed Scott Cunningham's books. I also have one book by Raven Grimassi, but that was more geared towards groups, and I'm alone for now. Another girl at my old school said she used to be interested in Wicca and she gave me some books she didn't need anymore. They were from the older traditions of Wicca, and although I am a biological female, I feel that some of those books were a little sexist.

My dad also told me that some groups of pagans are racist. Although I have never met any racist pagans, I abhore racism, so I'm a little worried about that. Which traditions are more open and accepting?

You won't find anyone here trying to force you into something you aren't comfortable with or who would try to make you believe one thing over another.  We (and I say that in a general sense and more in reference to the staff here as I feel I know them well enough to speak on their behalf) honor and respect all paths and that each person has a right to choose for themselves what fits them to the extent that it isn't causing great harm to another person or themselves.  We are all very different and we each choose to practice (or not) in a way that suits us best and we encourage that in all of our members. 

We also do not tolerate racism, sexism or pretty much any "ism" that promotes hate and ignorance, so you won't find that here without a pretty quick backlash from the Admins and staff towards the person being jerk enough to bring that to our home.  That is part of what makes this place so great and why we can keep it that way.

As for guidance, I would suggest looking around here, especially in the Library section where we have a list of recommended reading, and then ask questions as they come to you.  It isn't easy to give broad stroke advice or suggestions, so we do better with having something in particular to address when deciding what direction to point you.


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