Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Samhain or All Hallows Eve

What should I do for Samhain?

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I am going to have a very busy Samhain this year.  The festivities start next week and go through first weekend of November.  GW and I are attending two Samhain gatherings!  I am so excited I am about ready to burst.  :yeah:

Actually, I attended the first ritual where we honored our ancestors last night.  It was very moving and seemed to open the Veil a bit for me.  Now, to deal with the psychic energy that goes along with that.   :rolleye:

I thought of something else I can add to my Samhain celebrations...I have a great-grandfather who was a very good, happy, smiling person but who I never got to meet. He was a Methodist minister, but he was the good kind, and he told Bible jokes ("When was elastic first mentioned in the Bible? When King Solomon tied his a** to a tree and walked a mile!"). My mom says that when he told a joke, he couldn't ever finish it because he would be laughing so hard. He loved nature and took care of orchids. He seems like a really nice person, and my mom says I would have liked him a lot.

There's a picture of him in the basement in my house, where my great-grandmother used to live before she moved to a retirement home (it was a nice basement, and she said she liked it there, so don't worry!). Since Samhain is about honoring the dead, I was thinking maybe I could go down there and pay my respects to him--maybe tell him how I would have liked to meet him and how everyone's doing, etc. Do you think this is a good idea, and how can I make this idea better?

It is a very good idea, and perfect just the way you've presented it.

That sounds like a wonderful plan!


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