Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

visions during meditation....

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So I have tried to find an answer searching thru google, books, etc and can't seem to find the right answer. Every night I try to meditate to relax and open my chakras. Normally all I see are swirls of colors depending on what chakra I am trying to work on. I rarely have a vision of places, people,etc. That being said I have two questions, Is that normal not to see a field or different places when in meditation? My second question I have worked on my concentration and expanding my knowledge on meditation but I can't seem to get a hold of my gate keeper at all. Is that normal? Any help greatly appreciate or books I might be interested to read that might help.

Gate Keeper? Ain't got one, personally. I also don't always work the chakras during fact, I RARELY do.

To me, meditation is a state of ....regeneration and reflection or the doorway to Astral. It may not be the same for everyone, and I'd be very surprised if it was. Since meditation is the sphere of the subconscious mind, and everyone's minds are different, what you experience isn't going to be like what someone else does. I don't usually see fields during meditation; I usually see a forest. That's me, and probably because I am more comfortable in a forest on some mountain than anywhere else. When I see other vistas, it's because I have something to learn.

I guess I don't have a gatekeeper either or else I have never tried to venture someplace on the Astral where a gatekeeper would be invoked.  I also do not always work with the chakras during meditation.  Most often, my meditations are a journey and involve paths and forests and caves and streams.  Perhaps a guided meditation involving whatever "place" you want to visualize would help. 

I had read in a book and several sites that for beginner meditators it is best to speak to your gate keeper to protect you from intruders in the trance or state. Now when I do my regular daily meditations just bc ones I still see no picture of any kind "place" just swirls of colors. Hmm maybe my astral world is swirls.

Hmm, that sounds more like a Guardian to me.  Perhaps you should start your meditations by asking your Guardian to accompany you.  I have faith that mine is always there should I need him.


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