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specific Yule traditions?

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--- Quote from: bluefire on December 11, 2009, 07:43:24 PM ---In my family we celebrate the solstice, the longest night and return to light. 

We light candles all over the house, light the fireplace, and turn off all the electric lights.  We eat stew and bread and drink wine.

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That sounds fun, Blue!


--- Quote from: bluefire on December 12, 2009, 10:03:24 AM ---
There are lovely candle rituals for the solstice.  One we like with family is that each person holds a lit candle after the circle is created.  Each person then talks about one gift he or she has received from the Divine in the past season (since the summer solstice) and then talks about one gift he or she can give to the Divine for the next season (until the next summer solstice) and places the candle on the altar.  The circle is then released and we eat.  This can also be done as a solitary ritual.

--- End quote ---

Oh, that sounds lovely.  I think I'll try it.


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