Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Question on Shielding

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I decided to go ahead and split this into a new topic.  It deserves its own space and attention.

Crystal Dragon:
It does ... and I don't know about others, but to me it's impolite to carry on long conversations in someones journal. ;)

I completely agree.  A little off track is kind of par for the course, but a full fledged conversation unrelated to the topic should be addressed in a new thread.  ;)

I'm sorry I completely forgot we were on a journal. But the comments definately helped. I really don't want to get the rep of being annoying, but I do have a tendency to ask "why" a lot. I'm at college and I'm known as "that one girl in class who asks a lot of questions and argues a lot". I guess I just want to learn. But again thank you for the comments.

That's perfectly OK Quotensilence!  You should always feel free to ask questions - that's one of the reasons we have this forum.

CD's definition of shielding matches my own.  Different people shield in different ways for different circumstances. 

I am empathic and can be effected very adversely by other people's emotions which has contributed to a lifelong problem with depression.  I shield every day.  Every morning as I dress, I charge a piece of jewelry to "power" my daily personal shield.  Since negativity surrounds me at work, I also have set up a small mirror shield at my desk.  I also keep a permanent mirror shield on my altar.  I have been much happier since I started using these methods of protection.


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