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 on: May 11, 2016, 04:08:26 AM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by Athena
This is one topic on which I am seeking other PJ members' opinions. While I fully agree on what CD just said, personally, for me, the personal responsibilities and ethics (I find both mutually inclusive) vary from person to person or rather, situation to situation. I try and do / think / act as much as I can, but certain limitations play in to each situation, which would be hard to describe here.

 on: May 03, 2016, 11:55:52 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by earthmuffin
I am also of a similar mind to those who have posted; however, as one who tends to take too much personal responsibility for things over which I have little or no control, I try to maintain a balanced view as much as possible.

 on: May 03, 2016, 10:43:38 AM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by dragonspring
I feel much the same way about personal responsibility and the victim mentality.  It took some years for me to figure out the latter but I am much happier for it.  :D

 on: May 02, 2016, 02:30:06 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by DragonsFriend
I was taught that personal responsibility is part of being human ... regardless of path.

There are no limits to personal responsibility.  You make a choice, you live with it.

Sadly, our society appears to have gone in the opposite direction ... or perhaps only those who behave like entitled brats are noteworthy.  I'd like to think that the majority of individuals are responsible for their choices and actions but I just don't see it much of the time.

This is the way that I feel about personal responsibility as well. If I, or someone else, messes up and finds themselves in too deep, a hand up is sometimes required, but if they make themselves a victim to get hand outs it is no longer ok. Like you, I think there are too many who cast themselves as victims so they will be "taken care of" while hating the very system they use.
I have put myself in bad situations that I have needed help to get out of and thankfully I have had family and friends to help out. I had to do the work and pay back money and felt that I should pay the kindness as well. I learned from my life that one chooses to be a victim or not and that choice is what defines you.

 on: May 01, 2016, 04:12:43 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by Eternal Seeker

I addressed personal responsibility here http://paganjourneys.com/index.php?topic=1579.msg26406#msg26406


 on: May 01, 2016, 03:34:42 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by Crystal Dragon
I was taught that personal responsibility is part of being human ... regardless of path.

There are no limits to personal responsibility.  You make a choice, you live with it.

Sadly, our society appears to have gone in the opposite direction ... or perhaps only those who behave like entitled brats are noteworthy.  I'd like to think that the majority of individuals are responsible for their choices and actions but I just don't see it much of the time.

 on: May 01, 2016, 11:58:46 AM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by DragonsFriend
I was taught that personal responsibility was part of the pagan path. It is one of my guiding principals.
Is it a part of your path? If so what limits do you place on it?

 on: April 29, 2016, 07:45:25 AM 
Started by Crystal Dragon - Last post by Athena
Changes are welcome.  :whistle:

 on: April 28, 2016, 03:13:03 AM 
Started by Crystal Dragon - Last post by Crystal Dragon
Whoops ... I was reviewing some threads and realized that we'd forgotten to add a section to the TOS last year.

Section 17 has also been added.  This won't affect any members who have any posts, it's just a note that we may occasionally remove accounts where members have never logged into the forums.  ;)

 on: April 26, 2016, 01:20:41 AM 
Started by Crystal Dragon - Last post by Crystal Dragon
Actually, it's a little sad to feel there's a need to add it ... but there are too many people now-a-days who feel entitled to behave as they please, regardless of whom they injure.

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