Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Beltane

Any plans this year for Beltane?

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I'll be alone for my celebration today.  An odd sabbat to celebrate alone, but I am going to make it fun anyway.  I'll bring in some lilacs and burn a ritual fire.  Play some music.  I haven't picked it out yet.  Just welcome the growing time of the year.

Fun little family tradition, if any of you want to do this:  Hang cherries in your house to welcome love.  You get the ones with two cherries connected at the stem.  They invite love, passion, and togetherness.  I'm going to hang some on my lilac branches.

We celebrated my niece's first birthday (which was a few days ago) today, with a nice party that included fresh fruit and veg, and a lot of bubble blowing. I may sit outside for a while tonight in solitary, quite contemplation to end my Beltane observances.

Spent Beltane eve with my New Age group getting to know the new members.  Had a blast.

I ended up taking an Elderberry bush over to my parents for "May Day".  Taking some sort of plant or flower to my parents is a tradition I started when I first started on this path as a way to celebrate with all my family without it being "Pagan".  I got the idea from stories my mom would tell me when I was younger about how boys used to put flowers on a girl's doorstep that they liked, ringing the bell and running.

The kids stayed at my parents to help in the yard and play while Hubby and I went to a bead show.  After that we all went out for dinner and ice cream.  I'm not certain I'll be awake long enough to do much else after we get the kids in bed.  :whistle:

Fox, I love that give a plant idea. I think I'm gonna steal it.  :whistle:


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