Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Litha

How do you celebrate?

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EM, I don't remember where I read about the ritual, but it really struck a cord with me.  I think the writer made an entire night of it, staying up until after the sun rose, but I have 3 kids and the second my head hit the pillow they'd be up yelling for breakfast.  This was a nice compromise.

We will be doing a litha/fathersday celebration with the coven and our families.  Probably a BBQ and what not

I just got an email from the local CUUPS group that they're doing their Egyptian-themed Summer Solstice ritual on the 23rd. Guess I know where I'll be going!! :)

We are going to a gathering.   :D

I'll be doing my annual "greet the sunrise with Hubby and coffee" on the back patio.  It is probably the only day of the year that I can manage to drag my butt out of bed that early, but we have really loved doing that as it gives us some really wonderful and much needed quiet time alone.


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