Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Lughnasadh or Lammas

Lammas 2010

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My daughter was born August the 1st- so for me its a wonderful double celebration.Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, Lammastide, Loaf mass-  The first of the Harvest festivals- a time to give thanks for the Abundance from the fields and gardens and to celebrate fertility.
To decorate- I make corn dollies and my altar has fruits and veg representations on it. It is a time of  games like the Highland games- still held in Scotland- showing the strength and prowess of the Warrior, a time for country fairs to show of all the craft wears and the ways of the countrylife, a time to visit the fields, orchards, lakes and wells.
For Spells or Ritual work you could try an Offering of thanks, or honouring fathers, prosperityand abundance Ritual, for continued generosity, and continued success,  and for connectedness.

The deck is done and it's supposed to be hot and dry this weekend. I'm going to do some research and put together a small ritual... Time to hit the books!

Crystal Dragon:

 :yeah: :groovin:

 :groovin:  Cool! 


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