Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Yule

Yule and Children

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--- Quote from: Crystal Dragon on December 08, 2010, 09:46:35 PM ---Kudos to you for even thinking about teaching your kids love and kindness. :warmfuzz:

--- End quote ---

I've always said that what I want most for my kids is to lead happy, healthy and productive lives when they get older, but really, with all the ugliness that we see on a daily basis, some in our own families, what I really want is for them to see and be a part of what is beautiful in the world.

Just an idea.  When my children were young, I had an art project/coupon day with each of them, separately.  They made a pretty coupon (well, the one my daughter made was always pretty; my son is decidedly NOT an artist) gift for their sibling.  The coupon was for whatever they wanted to give as a gift -- I'll clean your room for you; or I'll play a game with you; or I'll make breakfast for you; whatever.  It was a fun time for me to spend with each of the kids, talking about what they thought the other one might really enjoy.  Good times.

What about picking out an angel from the angel tree to adopt a family or child/teen.  They usually have them at walmart.  Or there is the sack it for santa at CVS geared towards teens. 

Because the teens always seem to get left out when it comes to donations. Most are for babies/kids or for adults.

That might be something good for your 12 year old to do (the CVS one) and maybe toys for tots for your two youngest ones

I love the idea of charity and with my daughter what we do every year is have her go through her room and pick out 10 toys she can give away. I go through the closets (can be scary sometimes) and pull out whatever clothes we won't wear or doesn't fit us. And we take it to the local homeless shelter. Shelters are always in need of stuff and most will even let you go in and look around and see what they're immediate needs are. If you don't want to go in you can always call and ask where they're drop off boxes are at around town.

Our family does this every year at different times of the year and it really helps the children and adults both to resonate just how fortunate we are and how good it is to give a little to help someone else.


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