Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Mabon

Mabon 2013


I am excited for the upcoming sabbat.
It will be my first pagan/wiccan holiday that I celebrate.
Although I will be celebrating by myself I find that it gives me a chance to really focus myself and where/how I want to go though my spiritual path.
I have believed in my gods/goddesses/deities for some time now and decided that I would concentrate myself more.
I will concentrate myself more.

But, back to Mabon.
I plan on meditating the night before and waking to do some traditional Mabon activities.
Traditional, I'm not sure where to start but after going the library and gathering information from different sources online I will:
-Go outside.
-Meditate. :meditate:
-Bake Mabon related goodies, or bake the night before depending on the weather.
-Perform a ritual. Not sure if I should use something from a book/online or just go with the flow. Or mix something up. 
-If weather permits I will get my fire-pit out.  :bonfire:
-Write about what I am thankful for.

I'd love to hear what you all are doing for Mabon.
Like really guys, I am excited.  :)~

It is cool that you are excited.   :yeah:  My husband and I are travelling to Georgia for a Winter Finding ritual with another group.  While we are down there, we are going to see a historic register home built by one of my ancestors in 1790.

It's nice to hear what other folks are doing, because in some ways it motivates me to pay more attention and actually do something instead of just let it drift by. I've always liked the equinoxes, because of the message of balance. Mabon has taken on a different meaning for me since I lost my husband, because we were married on the Equinox (intentionally).

This year I am taking my dogs and driving to Austin for a weekend in a little cabin that I found last spring. It's technically a "bed and breakfast" (and the owners make a great breakfast!), but it's on 50 acres of woods and pasture with a creek running through it. I'm hoping the weather is nice and the moon is full enough for some time outside in the evening - the cabin I rented has a great deck in the (fully fenced) back yard, complete with chimnea and grill and complete privacy.

Eternal Seeker:

Over the course of the next two weeks I'll have facilitated four Winter Findings and two Mabons in prison. Hopefully I'll be able to borrow strength from the experienced groups.



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