Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Litha

The Longest Day


Litha is upon us again (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere), and recent events in my life have me wanting to renew my spiritual practices. Again. I have stopped trying to keep count of the number of "start/stop/start again" cycles I have gone through, because I have come to accept and realize that it WILL be cyclical, and that's okay. It doesn't mean I've "failed" or that I'm "doing it wrong". It is what it is.

And what it is, is Litha. :D

This Saturday I already have some mundane plans - the dogs need to be groomed, and I'm committed to going to dance class. But that leaves a lot of daylight to work with and do some spiritual housecleaning. While doing some research on Egypt and Midsummer, I came across a Witchvox article that started with this:

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." -- Maori proverb

I like it. I like it a LOT. Combined with the symbolism of Ra and Khepri, I think I have a lot to reflect on this Saturday.


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