Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Mabon

Ideas for my ritual....

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That sounds great, Amber.  I want to go too!

If you can get a bundle of wheat, it would be a really fun energy-raising activity after the story of Demeter and Persephone to have the other members walk around the circle to take a few shafts of wheat from each corner and then place those shafts on the altar when they give thanks for their harvest.

 :loveheart:   that is a great idea!!!!

Question...where would one find wheat at LOL


--- Quote from: AmberRaven on September 07, 2009, 01:13:09 PM ---Question...where would one find wheat at LOL

--- End quote ---

Any farms near you?  Or a florist or Michael's for decorative wheat.  Or you could even use flour, ground wheat.  Or some other symbol of fall harvest, doesn't have to be wheat.

Edited to fix typo.

Ghost Wolf:
Around here, it would be corn. We don't raise wheat in Tennessee.

You may check around at the local apple orchards.  I know several in this area tend to carry several of those types of things.  If you can't find the wheat, the corn stalks could work in the same way, just being a lot larger.  Heck, you can even use apples if you wanted to.


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