Sabbats/Holidays and Esbats > Mabon

Mabon Ritual

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This is the Mabon ritual I am using tonight.

Mabon Ritual - Solitary

Altar Arrangement:
My altar almost always contains the following tools at minimum:
God and Goddess candle or representation
Incense - I usually use Cinnamon for Mabon
Small Cauldron containing Salt
Gemstones as needed
Candles as needed

Circle Casting:
(Note:  I light incense and altar candles before this part of the ritual)

Hail to you Spirits of the North and the power of Air,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the East and the power of Earth,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the South and the power of Fire,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the West and the power of Water,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

This sacred circle is cast
between future and past.

As above, so below,
The circle is made whole.

So mote it be!

At this time I will be invite my personal guides - both known and unknown


They who are called by many names, I honor you!

Father God, come join with me!
Tonight, I offer thanks for the blessings you have given me.
and for the sacrifice You have made for my benefit.
I mourn for You and rejoice in Your rebirth to come.
Autumn’s grain is Spring’s seed.

Mother Goddess, come join with me!
Tonight I offer thanks for the blessings to come.
As sunlight wanes and shadow grows,
I celebrate your mysteries.
With death comes new life.

Now I will offer a prayer of personal thanks to the Deities.

As this is the time of the autumnal equinox, I will focus on achieving balance.

Raising and directing power:
I will be releasing negative self image by writing our my self hatred and burning the paper.  Afterwards, I will be raising power for healing myself and others I know who are in need.  When I have directed the power to it’s purpose, I will earth the power.

Thanking the Deities:
Mother Goddess, Father God,
Who created All and are All
I thank you for your presence here
and for the blessings you have bestowed on me!
May Your love stay with me now and evermore.

I will now thank my personal guides.

Opening the circle:
Spirits of Air, Earth, Fire and Water,
Go if you must or stay if you will.
I humbly thank thee for your presence tonight!
Though the circle is open, it remains unbroken.
As Above, So Below.
So I have said.
So mote it be.

Very nice, DS.  Thanks for sharing this with us. 

Crystal Dragon:
Dragon, you always write such lovely rituals. :warmfuzz:

Thanks ladies! :loveheart:

I LOVE your rituals!  :D


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