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 on: May 14, 2017, 11:09:24 AM 
Started by Athena - Last post by Athena
Hey folks! I had stopped practicing over a year ago, owing to some emotional blockages. But right now, I don't know where to turn to.

After a long battle with diseases and over a month of hospitalization, I lost my mom in January this year. I have been trying to rebuild my life without her. At times, it's easy. At times, it comes crashing down on my heart and soul. And I believe that it's all a part of the process. However, for almost a month now, I have been thinking. Since I stopped practicing, I haven't been able to find my faith. Most of the times, it's just a lack of faith in oneself. But I want to believe again - in my own powers, in the powers of the elements and in the power of nature. I just don't know how to calm myself down and where to begin from. I have pressing issues in terms of finance, health and an impending wedding to tackle. And I need some guidance, which was always there when I was able to communicate.

Another thing that's been troubling my mind is my mom. Although she's long gone, but I still wonder if she's free from all her pain now. I wonder if she's happy now. It is important for me to know. Also, pray for her soul.

I ignored and waited too long to write this, but with my own family disintegrated, it's the only family I can turn to.

 on: April 19, 2017, 08:47:36 AM 
Started by Tinevisce - Last post by vordan
My local art museum has two items that give me odd vibes. One is an old Jainist shrine and the other is a very old African mask. Some objects seem to absorb energy over time is my thought. They are made with devotion and they become objects of power through belief like thoughtforms..

 on: March 27, 2017, 09:00:00 AM 
Started by Tinevisce - Last post by VisionFromAfar
Eh, the Helm of Awe is more about panic and fear, that last little bit that tips the enemy on the other side of the shield wall to flee the field in terror. Your experience is still cool tho. :D

 on: March 26, 2017, 08:57:18 AM 
Started by Tinevisce - Last post by Tinevisce
So a weird/cool thing happened today when I visited the National Museum here in Calcutta (after more than a decade, I think I was 10 the last time I went there!) and they had an extensive gallery dedicated to Buddhist and Hindu rock sculptures from Central/Eastern India dating from around 200 BCE- same vein as in the Ajanta-Ellora complexes.

So I was having a ton of fun browsing the exhibits when I came across a pair of "Buddha Offering Protection" statues, set up facing each other. Here's a picture:

Walking between them, and facing either statue, I could feel this shift in energy- sort of like a draft of energy between the statues? It was sort of like a stern kind of a warding energy- not menacing per se, but palpably forceful. Like, it-would-be-a-good-idea-to-bow-down-now sort of an energy. I'm no Heathen, so DS or GW will have to correct me if I'm mistaken, but it felt like the kind of energy Aegisjalmur would invoke.

Thoughts, opinions, discussions? :)

 on: December 01, 2016, 07:17:11 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by dragonspring
I was so busy cooking for Thanksgiving and Yule decorating that I am just now recovering.  I have hosted my family's holiday gatherings for many years now. It is tradition. I noted this year that the traditional foods have varied over the years as people have come and gone.

 on: November 24, 2016, 10:43:19 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by vordan
My wife and I have never been much for the holidays, we used to go out to eat sometimes. My wife's sister have kindly invited us and our son the past few years and it has been much appreciated. Her other sister and her sister's daughter were able to attend this year which made it very nice, the three sisters together. My parents and sisters have all passed so I have no one else to visit so this makes a big difference in my life.

 on: November 24, 2016, 09:11:50 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by Eternal Seeker

I couldn't have much in the way of traditional foods this year, but an evening with old friends and a couple new ones made it a holiday anyway.


 on: November 24, 2016, 02:55:29 PM 
Started by DragonsFriend - Last post by DragonsFriend
Today is a civic holiday, unless you are in the food or retail business. I am in the process of fixing the dinner that we will have tonight.
The turkey is stuff with a sage dressing and in the oven, to make it the kind of meal I grew up with it will have the common side dishes of whipped potatoes and turkey gravy, sweet potato casserole, green beans and corn. Desert will be apple pie with whipped cream or French vanilla ice cream on top.

OH! I just remembered what didn't feel right about it. I need to make some rolls!

 on: August 15, 2016, 11:09:43 AM 
Started by earthmuffin - Last post by earthmuffin
Hi EM, ES and DS! Thank you so much for the replies!

I understand this a lot better now. If part of being a good Christian is being generous, a supposedly good christian would be generous....but you don't necessarily have to be a Christian to be generous. Conversely, a generous person doesn't get to call himself a Christian unless they're initiated into the Christian tradition.

How far would you guys agree that the various trads (Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Celtic, Druidic and so on) are cultural labels more than spiritual ones?


Edited to add: This somewhat ties in with the original question/issue posed in this topic. Would you say that Wicca is a cultural term whereas shamanism is more of a highly specialised skill-set?

Re. your first comparison, I view it more as a difference in training than any inherent quality a person may possess. I went to school and was trained (i.e., earned degrees) by experts in my field to become a wildlife biologist, whereas there are some people who may, out of their own interest in the subject, pursue learning about various wildlife species and ecology. They could attain a high level of knowledge on their own as a lay person but, without my same training, they would not call themselves a "wildlife biologist" or be recognized by others as that particular label or employed as one--- until they went through a similar degree program to earn the degree.

Re. the second point, Wicca is a religion in which certain skills and knowledge are passed down (talking traditional forms of Wicca here and not solitary path) whereas shamanism is a cultural and spiritual practice and is not tied to any religion in particular, though those who practice shamanism all share an animistic worldview. Like in Wicca, certain skills and knowledge may be passed down among shamans but there may also be acquired directly through experience with the spirit world.

 on: August 15, 2016, 10:24:28 AM 
Started by earthmuffin - Last post by Tinevisce
Hi EM, ES and DS! Thank you so much for the replies!

I understand this a lot better now. If part of being a good Christian is being generous, a supposedly good christian would be generous....but you don't necessarily have to be a Christian to be generous. Conversely, a generous person doesn't get to call himself a Christian unless they're initiated into the Christian tradition.

How far would you guys agree that the various trads (Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Celtic, Druidic and so on) are cultural labels more than spiritual ones?


Edited to add: This somewhat ties in with the original question/issue posed in this topic. Would you say that Wicca is a cultural term whereas shamanism is more of a highly specialised skill-set?

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