Pagan Journeys > Pagan Chat

An appropriate gift for my friend.


One of my oldest friends from the pagan scene has come out as transgender.

She was assigned male at birth, and is now doing all the things to get surgery and has already changed her legal status and documents from M to F.

I wanted to get her something nice to show support and hopefully have a greater symbolic meaning, but I'm seriously lapsed on these things. She in all her gender presentations has been a rock to me, especially after a very traumatic experience 12 years ago.

Any ideas or suggestions of groups for trans* wiccans who might be able to point me in the right direction?

I would think that anything that would be appropriate for any female would be good.  For example, a delicate piece of jewelry that would hold some significance for her would be awesome.  Or maybe a book on women's mysteries.

I could probably just make some pretty gemstone and silver earrings for her. I have all of the kit around somewhere.


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