Pagan Journeys > Pagan Chat

Weird cosmic happenings or coincidence?


I've been in the same class with the same group of people for two quarters now. A few left at the beginning of this quarter, but other than that it has been the same people. I feel I've gotten to know this group of 18 pretty well and so have been privy to information I might not otherwise. With that said, several of the people in this class have had romantic relationships end (or in my case, "end"). I realize relationships come and go all the time, but it just seems like more than coincidence to me that so many people in my class would have life altering relationship changes all around the same time. Is there an astrological explanation for this lately (say since October til now) or is this only coincidence?

Crystal Dragon:
There is a whole lot of change going on right now and energies in general have been really tense.  It's always possible something is behind mass change, but the actual probability of this sort of change within a small group is unknown without a lot of background information.

I think it's more likely that perhaps you're struggling to better understand the changes going on in your own life (especially considering your own recent personal trials).  It's frequently much easier to "let stuff go" if we can point to something external as the cause instead of spending the time and effort to evaluate ourselves, friends, or loved ones and why things go wonky in relationships.


--- Quote from: Crystal Dragon on March 08, 2014, 09:27:56 PM ---It's frequently much easier to "let stuff go" if we can point to something external as the cause instead of spending the time and effort to evaluate ourselves, friends, or loved ones and why things go wonky in relationships.

--- End quote ---

Boo! You would say that...  :D

Crystal Dragon:

Sorry about that ... but unfortunately a fact of life for us humans.  ;)


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