Pagan Journeys > Pagan Chat

Attracting Nasty Critters

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Crystal Dragon:
ES, I get what you're saying but I'd like to get some clarification ... are you speaking only about raising energy during ritual or spell work?

The reason I'm asking is because I use energy all the time.  I am not raising energy like is done during ritual or spell work and merely working with energy does not attract the attention of anything I'd consider "nasty". 

I do notice that I attract a lot of creatures, some that I've never met before.  (we have fae, dragons, and other creatures that like to hang out here at home)  Once when I was walking between buildings at work I noticed that a particular tree seemed to attract fae-like creatures and something that felt like a small griffin flew over and landed on my shoulder.  He was a little miffed that I shied away but after I explained that he surprised me, he agreed he could have given me some sort of warning.  :rolleye:

Eternal Seeker:

Tinevice- that kind of recognition goes a long way, yes. Respect is inexpensive and pays dividends- that works with people, too. I wouldn't worry as much about malevolent things as regular things getting peeved... the truly malevolent are also truly rare, and usually have to be sought out; they are almost never found by accident. Well, at least not by sane or normal people who don't walk around under a cloud, and go to places of bad atmosphere. We simply don't hang in the same places. Like the Joker said in the first Batman movie- they shouldn't be here, they'd be happier somewhere else. :)

Crystal- well spotted- NOT just during ritual or intentional spell work. Under any circumstances, we humans tend to get at least a passing glance from any kami present. But those of us who practice anything related to their world get a lot of attention, and being sensitive to the attention, and willing to take a moment to pay respects is always appreciated. Just like you'd smile or nod at any passing stranger, making some similar appropriate gesture when you feel their presence is the smart things to do. In a place I've never been before, especially a natural site that feels sacred, I'll preemptively do or say something to acknowledge that I'm a stranger in a strange land, and respect those who have passed before.  A libation, or a bow to a tree or the compass points, these things cost little and go far.


Crystal Dragon:
Ah ... that's clearer.  Thanks.  :)

I supposed I'd have to say then, that I don't get hassled much because I tend to show respect and speak with them (though not always out loud ... doesn't do to have coworkers thinking we're more nuts than they already suspect!).  Even the harsher entities I've come across seem to accept that we humans have our own way of needing to do things, though I have gotten an impression of impatience at times.

Thank you for allaying my primary fear- what I was afraid of is that I might be stirring up the truly malevolent types without actually trying to do anything with them.
How exactly do you 'specify' the offering to any such entities present- do you leave it generic, or is there something specific you'd recommend I use?

Eternal Seeker:

You can do a generic "to any present", if you're not feeling a specific call to take notice of. Many Asatru bloats end with a release of any wights that may have been inadvertently trapped by their hallowing, and many different paths share "cakes & ale" with any present by returning it to the Earth at the end of the ritual. If none were present, well, you've just made friends with the raccoons, too! When heading to new territory, I will often take something with me as an offering. If I have food and water, then libation. Or it might be incense ash- I save the ash from incense burned during rituals and spells, and use it for other spells- or in this case, as a fragrant tribute to cast to the compass points, or to a natural feature that is obviously inhabited.

In your own yard, you can install a Kamidana or a spirit house or arch; if there's a well or spring you might make a clootie tree. You can also put a shrine or lararium of some kind in your house to be the focus of attention.Nothing need be elaborate; it's the respect and good will that matter.



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