Pagan Journeys > Beginner's Chat

Did you choose a God(s), Goddess, or were they already a part of your path?

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Hello All
Did you choose a specific God/Goddess (plural/singular) yourself and/or adapt them to your needs or were they pre-subscribed i.e. a part of a path or tradition which you chose?

I am just curious, because I have trouble 'choosing' the name/form of my Divine at times. I find more doubts as I continue to do my research. This is one of the reasons I am attracted to Paganism, as I believe there is some liberty in how you go about it yourself. Have you had a lot doubt, and how did you overcome it if so?


I firmly believe WE do NOT chose our gods, THEY chose US. I am on my Path because of the gods who claimed me.

Neither. I agree exactly with what BronwynWolf said, and I will add this: I don't understand how one can "adapt" a god to his/her/its own path. This may depend on your conception of the Divine; people who view them as archetypes or metaphores might have an easier time doing this, whereas people who view them the way I do are likely to find this very difficult.

Not everyone has a patron deity, although I'm not sure how rare those people are. The gods really do choose us, and sometimes it can take years for us to realize our connection; other times, we'll be "claimed"; sometimes it's a mixture. I have a thread on here* that I used to help learn about Set--to be honest, I'm a bit embarrassed at how little I knew about him, especially since I'd felt the connection before and didn't explore it. It is what it is, though. What that thread doesn't say is that a few weeks later (after quite a bit of research and some prayer and contemplation) I was "claimed." I am having a very enriching experience.

*Here's the thread:

We are definitely claimed by Gods and Goddesses, not the other way around.  I think when one realizes that they have been claimed, our paths naturally change focus a bit.  However, most people honor other Gods and Goddesses as the need arises even after they are claimed.   

I agree with what has already been said, my own slant is that part of the spiritual path is discovering who you are, there are specific energies that are part of who you are. They laid claim upon you as a race horse is claimed by the need to run, a bird to fly, a hound to hunt, a piano to be played. To give lip service to dieties you feel no connection to is religion, to connect is spirituality, it is the expansion of the soul into something greater then yourself. There I go with trying pretty words again but in short they chose you in a very basic way, they chose you for who you are. There is no panic if you feel no connection for our souls are on a lifetime journey and if you believe as I do, the journey of many lifetimes.


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