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Of weather and postings.

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Hmm, so I'm looking around on where to start posting on this message board. I think, and I see, "Oh wow, a writing section!" But then I notice it doesn't get much attention. I have a lot of writings, you see, that I post on an art site, but most people don't seem to get them...I relate them a lot to my spiritual thoughts you could say.

Well, this seems a good section to start as any...

I haven't really seen a bright blue sky in a month about... it seems. July 17 was the last real bright blue I saw. Strange, crazy, cloudy, but yet not so much rain. How's the weather where everyone else is?

Hello there!
Speaking of weather, it's been weird around my area as well. Very cloudy, weird clouds, and dim.
There was a super moon the other night which I got to see. The clouds decided to move aside for one night! So I took pictures and in every picture, what seemed to be an orb showed up directly next to the moon. But obviously it wasn't noticeable to the eye.

By the way,  try posting some of your writings on here. All postings get attention from what I've seen!

Blessed be

I got some photos as well of the Moon, despite the clouds! Was very lovely, although I wish  my camera had a bit more kick to it. Lit up the whole yard it did! (Well, the part not covered by trees.) Also took a ride last night, saw some lovely mist in the field...wish my camera could pick that up for sure! Mist and bright Moon, glorious!

I just moved into a house where the backyard backs up to a creek so we get lots of mist especially by dawn...I'd love to start photographing it. Any advice on starting up?

It has been raining here in East TN for the past few days but it is supposed to be nice (60s to 80s) for the next couple.  We have been having a cool summer without the tons of afternoon thunderstorms of the past several years.  Lots of smoke on the the mountains (fog) and mist on the fields around here most mornings.  The supermoon was yellow here due to the overcast last night - I need to go see what it looks like tonight.  Yellow, orange or white, it is always beautiful.  Hail Mani!


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