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soul mates?

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How can one tell the difference between A soul mate and someone you were connected with in a past life?

I will start with the easier of the two options - people that we were connected to in past lives.  I think having a positive connection to someone in a past life makes a person feel like I have been friends/siblings/etc. for a long time even when we just met.  A negative connection might create an instant dislike or distrust.  Of course, this could also be related to the persons energy signature if one is sensitive to such things.

In my experience, a soul mate is much more visceral and spiritual.  Some classical thought on the subject describes soul mates as "Twin Flames" which is a single soul split in two upon incarnation or two souls destined to work together through the ages along a path of spiritual enlightenment.  the  When soul mates come together, it feels like becoming complete.  They will have traits and gifts that are complementary or help balance those of their partner.  Both people become more than the sum of their parts and will experience spiritual growth as a result.  Even though the two individuals may be very different in temperament and abilities, the relationship is usually harmonious.  Some people believe that the union of soul mates can provide healing to the community at large - sort of a projection of love outward if that makes any sense.

I then, knowing the difference, what about a person who you have some sort of psychic connection with.  Even miles apart. For example.... if this person falls into trouble, and the other gets a feeling right away and knows this person is in trouble.  Or maybe one person receives signs pertaining to the other. One claims that the other is their soul mate, but that other person isn't fully convinced. 

I guess my question is, do only soul mates have this psychic connection linked to emotions?

My view of soul mates is that they do not necessarily have to be romantic partners but I might be in the minority.

I see what you mean Earth muffin, as in maybe 2 people may be meant to carry out a certain purpose together?


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