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"I'm not anti-social, I just don't like people."

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I used to love going out to places like the mall, or thrift stores in towns, looking for neat little trinkets and whatnot, or just roaming about. Now though, I go around people, these crowds...I go in to find what I may (and sometimes still, may not) be looking for and then find myself suddenly agitated, annoyed, and sometimes even shake inside (on rare occasions outside) because I just can't stand the hustle, the bustle, the dozens of rude people. Perhaps its from moving back to my current location and not having had people to be social with, whereas before I had people I could easily talk with better. Or maybe I'm just becoming more aware of the stuff in the world. Whatever it may be, it sucks.
Has anyone else gone through a similar transmission, or "suffers" from this?

Eternal Seeker:

I've gone through periods of feeling like that, and it usually turned out I had more stress than I thought... it wasn't the people or crowds, really, it was- in the words of Hank Hill- stress on a structure that wasn't up to code in the first place.


I like my solitude so malls and crowds are quite stressful. I've become less resilient to it in my {cough cough} maturity.  :whistle:

My tolerance for crowds depends on my mood and what the people are crowded around to do.  I don't mind a lot of people at an amusement park  or concert nearly as much as I do a crowd of people at Walmart.

I've been getting worse with this for the past 4 years. So its not just an on and off thing with me. I can't even stand concert crowds anymore, at least in this state they are rude. I know some of it is due to stress, but I don't know, I'm just very uncomfortable with most people anymore.


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