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cleansing using Tingsha Bells??


Ok, so I've posted before that I just bought a new house with my new baby boy.... I wanted to do a cleansing after I moved in (because sometimes spirit or energy may lay dormant until you've moved in I've been told).

A man my mother works with is a Reiki healer, he told her about using Tingsha  bells to cleanse a house? I'm used to the traditional sage and white candles and feather.

Does anyone know about Tingsha Bells and if they are a good cleansing method? Or even how to cleanse with them?

Blessed be :meditate3:

I haven't heard of them but I regularly use my singing bowl. I take it around into the corners and ding it or make it sing.

Crystal Dragon:
Sound is as effective as smudging or candle spells.  Any "happy" sounds will drive off negative energy.  I keep a small bell, charcoal and incense, and a small smudge stick in my travel kit ... I rarely need it, but it's handy to have when I do need something to clear out "gunk".

Bottom line?  There is no right or wrong way to dispel negative energies so use what you are comfortable with.  If you're comfortable experimenting, or one method doesn't work well enough, there's no reason not to use something else.  ;)


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