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Sesame Street

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--- Quote from: bluefire on November 08, 2009, 10:46:27 AM ---Knock, knock, the world is a messy place.  No amount of Sesame Street editing is going to make the world better.  More importantly, that editing is not going to help children better cope with the challenges they need to face.

--- End quote ---

Not letting kids see reality in all it's messiness is the main reason that most of today's youngsters are so self-centered and petulant.

Crystal Dragon:
 :bow:  I am so with both of you.  Today's young people have no clue what reality is.  I can't tell you how many new college grads we hire that can't write anything coherent, yet expect to be paid what those of us who've been working for 20 or 30 years (or more) are getting.  :brickwall:  And they all expect everyone to cater to any whim they have as if they are "special".  Even my daughter, who is the same age as a lot of these prima-donnas just shakes her head.  What ever happened to parents doing their job as parents?  I tell, ya, we are doomed if this continues. :gaah:

 :cheer: BF!!

I agree... Unfortunately I take a look at parents like my aunt, and while she's a special case  :whistle: there are many who do this. They barely see what the kid is watching half the time, because the channel is put on and the kids are plopped down until it becomes routine and second nature to turn to that stupid kid's show.

I wish they would get rid of "reality" TV... it makes my head hurt just flipping through the channels. The saddest part is, it's becoming a big part of our reality that people are famous for the worst reasons. Kim Kardashian...why is she famous? AJ and I were discussing the fact that she has the best body in Hollywood. I won't disagree with anyone who says it. She has a fantastic shape. The part that gets me is, "in Hollywood." Does she really have that status where people can say she's a part of Hollywood? I thought that came from having some sort of talent, not a nice butt. From what I can see, she's famous because general consensus is, she's hot. That makes me sad because talent is now watching somebody blow dry their hair and storm around in heels and get pregnant before they should. I think it's sad that people even know her name.

Nobody ever believes me when I say I really don't watch TV, and that's because I don't know who "famous" people are half the time when conversations ensue. I watch Family Guy, the History Channel, and the Sci-Fi channel (or as it likes to call itself nowadays: the Scy-Fy channel.  :rolleye: ) It's just poor programming.
Neil Postman thought television was making us dumber back then...he hated Sesame Street...I wonder what the poor man would do if he could see us now...

You guys took the words out of my mouth! 


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