Pagan Journeys > Pagan Chat

If you had to choose a god/goddess to meet, who would you choose?

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--- Quote from: SonOfStorms on January 17, 2015, 07:55:11 PM ---Wait...are you just picking these two because their renowned for being extremely handsome? XD

--- End quote ---
Yep.   :biggrin:

I'd love to meet some of the demi-Gods/Half-Gods...I would find it fascinating to talk about their experiences of being neither here nor there.

I'd also want to meet Isis someday.

Other than my own? Tyr comes first to my mind, because his story intrigued me when I was younger. That he would be willing to put his hand in Fenrir's mouth, knowing what was likely to happen, just struck a chord with me. Someone who does what needs to be done.

Having Themis and Nemesis at the same dinner could be intriguing. Divine Justice and Divine Retribution could make for some interesting conversation.

I would love to meet Anubis.  He is one of my favorite Gods.

Freja or Artemis.

I was going to say Hekate but something tells me she may not be much of a conversationalist...


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